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Переклад - Французька-Англійська - savoir souffir

Поточний статусПереклад
Цей текст можна переглянути такими мовами: ФранцузькаАнглійська

Категорія Пісні

savoir souffir
Публікацію зроблено edaeda
Мова оригіналу: Французька

À une inconnue qui passe,
N'en garder aucune trace,
Sinon celle du plaisir
Sans rien attendre en retour,
Ni égard,ni grand amour,
Pas même l'espoir d'être aimé,
Mais savoir donner,
Donner sans reprendre,
Ne rien faire qu'apprendre
Apprendre à aimer,
Aimer sans attendre,
Aimer à tout prendre,
Apprendre à sourire,
Rien que pour le geste,
Sans vouloir le reste
Et apprendre à Vivre
Et s'en aller.
Savoir attendre,
Goûter à ce plein bonheur
Qu'on vous donne comme par erreur,
Tant on ne l'attendait plus.

Knowing how to suffer

Переклад зроблено guilon
Мова, якою перекладати: Англійська

To an unknown woman passing by,
Keeping no trace of her,
But the one of pleasure,
Not expecting anything in return,
Not regard, nor great love,
Not even hope to be loved,
But being able to give,
Giving without taking back,
Doing nothing but learning
Learning how to love,
Loving without expecting,
Loving until you take everything
Learning how to smile,
Just for the gesture,
Not wanting the rest of it
And learning how to Live
and how to leave.
Being able to wait,
Tasting this full happiness
That you are given as if by mistake,
More than you expected anymore.
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
Dear expert, if you have to edit too many lines of this translation, I'd rather see it rejected and done by someone else. I don't mean to waste anyone's time".

By the way, "at a passing..." because the previous sentence (suppressed in this request) was something like "savoir sourire... à une femme qui passe".

Note from validator: I only made 3-4 small corrections - you did great!
Затверджено kafetzou - 7 Квітня 2007 16:10