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翻译 - 西班牙语-瑞典语 - muchas tardes se anidaron

本文可用以下语言: 西班牙语瑞典语

muchas tardes se anidaron
提交 Uruguayo
源语言: 西班牙语

muchas tardes se anidaron

Många eftermiddagar vänslades de

翻译 Mats Fondelius
目的语言: 瑞典语

Många eftermiddagar vänslades de
pias认可或编辑 - 2008年 二月 10日 11:48



2008年 二月 5日 23:26

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
se anidaron = vänslades (cuddled)

Enligt min mening den är:

Många eftermiddagar de vänslades.

2008年 二月 6日 00:39

文章总计: 48
vänslades...du har kanske rätt

eftersom ordet var så jaa okänt, för mig i alla fall, så fick jag för mig att "nästlade" var rätt.
letade ordet i ordbok och hittade bara detta
efter mycket om och men


2008年 二月 6日 01:07

文章总计: 48
anidar, kommer nog från el nido -ett bo
to nest - anidar. nestle - krypa in

därför tror jag ändå på "nästlade", liksom att las tardes "boade" in sig i varandra och i hennes hår och läppar.
min uppfattning efter att ha undersökt lite närmare.

reviderar alltså det jag sade om att det kanske är som du säger: vänslade(cuddle) - no

vore trevligt att höra din åsikt igen och hur du kom fram till vänslades

ha d bra

2008年 二月 6日 02:55

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
(Let’s do this in English so that most people will be able to understand, ok?)

I saw your translation of the whole text and what I feel is that “nästlade” gives to me the idea of infiltration and “vänslades” of coziness, warmth, comfort, and that is what I understand “anidarse” means in Spanish.
But, of course I may be wrong.
That’s poetry, you know, hard to translate.


2008年 二月 6日 11:14

文章总计: 48
poetry yes, but isn't this rather a sad poem; her waiting, he doesn' come home etc. does this really feel nice and cuddly?

but as I said before, the word anidar was new to me


2008年 二月 6日 13:40

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
The poem is sad, indeed.

I think the line means nothing isolated from the others, but the verb, itself,intends to give us the image that due to the fact of her being waiting for so long, the time (las tardes) got used to that,and set themselves at ease "nesting", (something safe) in her hair.
As I said before...poetry sometimes may sound weird or puzzling.
It's a tough task translating paragraphs like this one.

I hope I made myself understood this time and, at least, you've "met" a brand new word (or a new meaning for a known word) .

Anyway, the suggestion is given, it's up to you now.

My best

2008年 二月 6日 13:45

文章总计: 48
hi again lilian

why don't we wait and see what others say. guess you're right,maybe.. you have much more experience

nice day to you!!

2008年 二月 6日 13:53

文章总计: 48
isn't this translation already evaluated and accepted?
seems so to me
but but, maybe I, once again, have pressed some wrong button or likewise..

wonderful place this though!
bye bye

2008年 二月 6日 14:01

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
By the way, birte...
I forgot to remark that this is part of the lyrics of a song by Maná, "En el muelle de San Blás".
The complete lyrics you can read here

2008年 二月 9日 10:32

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Speaking of "wrong buttons", let me give you a piece of advice...

Do not click on the red button (this translation is wrong) until the answer to your corrections or suggestions comes, because your suggestion may be accepted, the correction made and so, the work will be OK for you, isn't that correct?
After you voted against a translation you can't remove your vote to "correct" you understand?

Sometimes it's just a misspelling of a word or a minor correction to be done. You don't need to vote in order to posting a suggestion, you can do that under the translation and then, you vote when the version, finally satisfies you or..not.

This is just a suggestion...this could avoid translations from getting stuck for so long, waiting for approval.
When the experts see many votes against a text, they take longer to validate it since in most cases, they set it into a vote because they don't know broadly the source language.

Sorry for such a long message.

I wish you the best at

I guess we'll exchange lots of messages in the future, you seem to be a very nice person.

2008年 二月 6日 14:52

文章总计: 48

I am nice!

I'll learn from your suggestions

uuh, some excercise is waiting

talk to you


oh yes, where are all the nice smileys, where do I find them?

2008年 二月 6日 15:18

文章总计: 8114
just press the link above the messagebox, "Lägg till ett meddelande"...and voila,,la, all the nice smileys appear in the bottom of this page.


2008年 二月 9日 03:57

文章总计: 48
"anidar" means make a nest. I don't see the logic of it being by any means equal to "go by" (gå förbi), even figuratively.

2008年 二月 9日 09:43

文章总计: 8114
Hi all,
thanks for the input!

It looks like this translation is wrong figge, could you correct it?

2008年 二月 9日 09:45

文章总计: 8114
Hi figge,
forget to cc..

CC: Mats Fondelius

2008年 二月 10日 09:03

文章总计: 8114
Hi Lilly!
I see that you have this translation on notification ... and now when you are a Spanish expert (Congratulations!!), could you please give me a bridge here?

That would be great!

2008年 二月 10日 11:22

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Hi Pia (thank you!! )

This is just a line of a paragraph which tells about someone waiting forever... alone, it doesn't make sense.

The whole thing is:

Thousand of moons passed
and she was always at the quay
Many afternoons cuddled
cuddled in her hair
and in her lips.

hope it helped

2008年 二月 10日 11:34

文章总计: 8114
Thanks Lilly, I think it helps.

2008年 二月 10日 11:45

文章总计: 8114
fler röster är emot än för din tolkning, så jag korrigerar till den Spanska expertens utlåtande och godkänner den sedan med lägre poängsättning.

Före redigering:
Många eftermiddagar gick förbi