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翻译 - 克罗地亚语-英语 - Kako ureÄ‘aj radi Kako shema na slici 1. pokazuje,...

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Kako uređaj radi Kako shema na slici 1. pokazuje,...
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源语言: 克罗地亚语

Kako uređaj radi
Kako shema na slici 1. pokazuje, osnovni element
i srce našeg prijamnika je integrirani krug
TDA7000. On u sebi sjedinjuje sve funkcionalne
cjeline jednog FM radioprijamnika:
- ulazno visokofrekventno pojačalo
- mikser
- lokalni oscilator
- međufrekventno pojačalo s limiterom
- fazni detektor
- sklop za potiskivanje Å¡umova (mute)
- sklop za držanje stanice (AFC)
Je prefere que cela soit traduit en anglais britannique

How the appliance works.As the scheme on the picture 1. shows,...

翻译 labud025
目的语言: 英语

How the appliance works

As the schema on picture 1. shows, the basic element and "heart" of our receiving sets is an integrated circuit (chip) TDA7000.

It unites in one, all the functions of an FM radio receiver:

- high-frequency amplifier entry
- mixer
- local oscillator
- multi-frequency amplifier with limiter
- phase detector
- noise reduction circuit (mute)
- channel conduction circuit (AFC)
Gledao sam da koristim vise tehnicku terminologiju

Edited from "How the appliance works.

As the scheme on the picture 1. shows, basic element and "heart" of our receiving sets is integrated circuit (chip) TDA7000.
It unites inside itself all functional entireties of a FM radio receivers:

- the entry high-frequency amplifier
- mixer
- the local oscillator
- multi-frequency amplifier with the limiter
- the phase detector
- circuit for the elimination of noises (mute of unwanted noises)
- circuit for the conducting of channel (AFC)"
Tantine认可或编辑 - 2008年 四月 19日 00:45



2008年 四月 8日 16:26

文章总计: 2747
Hi labud025

I've done one or two edits to your tranlsation and set a poll to help with the Croatian.

I think the technical terms need to be worked on, as they seem somewhat imprecise. Maybe we could find some great terms in wikipedia?


2008年 四月 8日 22:52

文章总计: 16
Thank you for corrections. I accept them.

2008年 四月 9日 01:01

文章总计: 972
schema should be schematic drawing

2008年 四月 9日 14:49

文章总计: 773
Meni smetaju ovde dve reči: medjufrekventno (multi-frequency) i potiskivanje (elimination).

Recimo, u vezi potiskivanja, pronašla sam ove reči:
potiskivanje - blanking
potiskivanje - deplacement
potiskivanje - download
potiskivanje - push
potiskivanje - supplantation
potiskivanje - suppresion

Znači, nešto potiskuješ, ali ga ne eliminišeš. Ovo pišem kao totalni laik. Trenutno nemam alternativne termine, kada budem imala malo više vremena, a ukoliko do tada ne pronadjete ono što odgovara ili zaključite da su i te dve reči ok, pokušaću da pronadjem.

2008年 四月 9日 17:07

文章总计: 2747
Hi Cinderella, thanks for your help but can you tell me in English (or in French) as I don't speak any croatian.


2008年 四月 10日 14:23

文章总计: 773
Hi Tantine
I am not sure about multi-frequency and elimination, but I have not another word.

What about: interfrequency amplifier? Pls note that I am absolutely technical uneducated.

And about elimination of noises - maybe noise suppression?

2008年 四月 13日 00:00

文章总计: 2747
Hi labud, hi Cinderella,

I've re-edited the text, and I've included 'noise reduction" (seems like a good idea to me)

I'm posting in this message labud's second version so we can compare the changes.

How the appliance works

As the schema on picture 1. shows, the basic element and "heart" of our receiving sets is an integrated circuit (chip) TDA7000.

It unites, inside itself, all functional entireties of an FM radio receiver:

- high-frequency amplifier entry
- mixer
- local oscillator
- multi-frequency amplifier with limiter
- phase detector
- noise reduction circuit (mute)
- channel conduction circuit (AFC)

I will validate this if you are both happy with the changes I've made.


CC: Cinderella

2008年 四月 13日 15:36

文章总计: 16
Thanks Tantine

I prefer to use word reduction than suppression. Maybe "reduction" is most suitable for laymen.
I agree with yours corrections.

2008年 四月 13日 16:52

文章总计: 16

Every time when you have more than one frequency

- high-frequency amplifier entry

I will try to explain what is that and maybe it will help us to make correct translation. I know that wtw translation is OK but we need somebody to check that grammatically.

This is all about radio receiver. As all have, this one also have necessary parts and circuits. Sometimes they are separate sometimes they coming in one chip (integrated circuit from two or more circuits)

When wave coming to our FM receiver first place is this high-frequency amplifier so they calling that entry high-frequency amplifier.

I wrote this because order of words in this complex means to me and have different meaning to me if I put "entry" in front of other words or if I put that like last word.

2008年 四月 13日 17:39

文章总计: 2747
Hi labud

I'm the one that is checking this gramatically.

I have turned the phrases round so as they convey something to me in English . Most of the terms are familar to me (my dad was a radio ham and a computer "pioneer" so putting "entry" at the end as I have done is the usual way of writing this type of text in English.


2008年 四月 13日 19:11

文章总计: 16
In slavic languages this usually coming before.

2008年 四月 13日 21:40

文章总计: 2747
Oh, a bit like in French too. Its funny how the word order changes from one language to another.

Maybe one day I will speak Croatian as well as you speak English.
