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翻译 - 丹麦语-英语 - En blodprop i lungen

本文可用以下语言: 丹麦语英语

讨论区 健康 / 医学

En blodprop i lungen
提交 enti
源语言: 丹麦语

En blodprop i lungen opstår, når noget størknet blod sætter sig fast i et blodkar i lungen. Det størknede blod, blodproppen, kommer ofte fra blodkarrene i benet eller bækkenet, hvor man måske har en dyb årebetændelse.
det er om blodprop

A blood clot in the lung

翻译 Noella
目的语言: 英语

A blood clot in the lung develops when a small amount of coagulated blood gets attached to a vessel in the lung.

The coagulated blood, blood clots, often comes from the blood vessels in the leg or the pelvis, where one maybe has a deep phlebitis.
...where one maybe has a deep vein thrombosis .
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2008年 六月 12日 01:28



2008年 六月 10日 01:09

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Hi Noella,

What about:

"A blood clot in the lung develops, when a little coagulated blood cell fixes to a vessel in the lung." ?

Does that convey the original?

2008年 六月 10日 14:03

文章总计: 36
Hi Lilian,

It's not quite correct. Coagulated blood consists of more then one blood cell. But I must confess the error is mine. It should have been "a little bit of coagulated blood".
But maybe it's still better to say it like this :
"A blood clot in the lung develops when a small amount of coagulated blood gets attached (or attaches itself) to a vessel in the lung."
What do you think ?

2008年 六月 10日 15:31

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972 sounds better now.

Will you edit so a poll may be set?

2008年 六月 10日 16:13

文章总计: 36
I have edited it, Lilian.

2008年 六月 10日 20:23

文章总计: 8114
deep phlebitis ---> deep vein thrombosis ?

2008年 六月 11日 10:58

文章总计: 36
Hi Pias,
I did a little researching on the internet. I found that both terms are correct. So I've written your alternative in the field for details.

2008年 六月 11日 11:58

文章总计: 8114
Ok I was not sure about it, that's why I wrote a question mark. So you got my vote now!