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翻译 - 土耳其语-英语 - ingilizceye çeviri ricası当前状态 翻译
讨论区 信函 / 电子邮件 | ingilizceye çeviri ricası | | 源语言: 土耳其语
Merhaba, 19.05.2011 tarihinde size geri iade edilen 8 adet ürünlerin ödemesini yapmadınız. 24.05.2011 tarihinde yazdığım mesajda ertesi günü ödeme yapacağınızı söylemiştiniz. gönderdiğniz diğer üründe hatalı çıktı saatin saniye göstergesi eğri duruyor bu ürünü size geri iade edeceğim. lütfen en kısa zamanda ürünü göndermem için adresinizi veriniz. iade edilen ürünlerinde kargo ücretleri hariç ödemesini en kısa zaman da yapmanızı bekliyorum. |
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Hello, You still haven't paid for the 8 products we sent back to you on 19.05.2011. You said you were going to pay for them in my message of 24.05.2011. The other product you sent was also defective; the second hand of the watch is bent. I will send it back to you. Please give me your address so I can send it to you as soon as possible. I am waiting for you to pay for the products that were sent back as soon as possible, excluding shipping costs. | | Nacizane..
You said you were going to pay for them in my message of 24.05.2011. -> this sentence makes no sence in the original (YOU said something in the message I wrote?? )
24.05.2011 tarihinde yazdığım mesajda ertesi günü ödeme yapacağınızı söylemiştiniz. O halde, onu ekleyip çeviri kabul edeceğim. Katılımınız için teşekkürler. |
由 Lein认可或编辑 - 2011年 八月 15日 17:36
最近发帖 | | | | | 2011年 五月 31日 10:07 | | | "you were gonna..." is not correct when used in a regular mail or e mail, one should use "you were going to..."
This is written language, not a chat nor a conversation, and it has to be taken in consideration in the translation.
"...give me your address to me"  "...give me your address..." is enough IMO.  | | | 2011年 八月 12日 15:30 | | | Hi yenerunver
Sorry it has taken so long to start evaluating this translation. There always seem to be quite a lot of Turkish translations and not enough active English experts with Turkish knowledge
I have made some edits and set a poll; please let me know if you don't agree
The original is below, with my comments:
Hi this is very informal; in this context, the more neutral 'hello' is better,
You still haven't paid for the 8 products we sent back to you at -> on 19.05.2011.
You said you were gonna pay see Francky's comment above for them in the message I sent to you at 24.05.2011 -> this does not make any sense. How can they say something in a message you have sent? I have assumed this was a message they sent.
There is a damage at the other product you sent back to us the formulation is somewhat crooked, so I changed the construction of the sentence without changing the meaning: the second hand of the watch is bent. I will send it back to you.
Please give me your address to me see Francky's note at short notice sounds unnatural here so I can send it to you.
I am waiting for you to pay for the products that will be sent back to you except their shipping prices sounds unnatural as soon as possible. | | | 2011年 八月 12日 15:45 | | | I noticed all the things you say expect 'gonna' and '..me ..me' mistakes as Francky mentioned
But the mistakes comes from the original message so I didn't touch them. I translated them anyway
Also I didn't find proper translations to some words that you mentioned as 'unnatural'. Therefore I tried to give the meaning with other words that I know
Anyway, I agree with you. It was a quick and a little bit incautious translation, sorry for that. Change it to make it better  | | | 2011年 八月 12日 15:47 | | | Great, thanks for your speedy reaction! If I made any interpretation errors, I hope the poll will get people to point them out  | | | 2011年 八月 12日 16:41 | | | You said you were going to pay for them in your message of 24.05.2011....>You said you were going to pay for them in my message of 24.05.2011. (türkish text can be wrong but it is there "my message"
The other product you sent back to us is damaged...> The other product you sent to us is also damaged.. | | | 2011年 八月 12日 19:12 | | | Thanks. I am still a bit confused by the message; merdogan and yenerunver, could it be that 'my message' is a way to say 'the message I received'? CC: merdogan | | | 2011年 八月 12日 19:21 | | | No, s/he means about the messaging between them. More precisely, s/he talks about the message s/he received after his/her message as a reply. | | | 2011年 八月 12日 19:28 | | | OK, in that case, how about 'You said you were going to pay for them after my message of 24.05.2011'? | | | 2011年 八月 12日 20:53 | | | - In the message I wrote on 24.05.2011, you said you were going to make a payment the following day.
- The other product you sent was also defective
-Please give me your address in order to send the product as soon as possible
- I am waiting for you to pay for the products that were sent back as soon as possible, excluding shipping cost.
| | | 2011年 八月 12日 22:20 | | | Dear lein,
I agree with you for "'the message I received".
and I am not agree with " The other product you sent was also defective". It can be " The other product you sent is also defective".
"-Please give me your address in order to send it back as soon as possible" is ok for me, too.
| | | 2011年 八月 12日 23:46 | | | But it says "the message I WROTE".
What's wrong with the "The other product you sent was also defective."? | | | 2011年 八月 13日 09:49 | | | Yes he says this but he is speaking about a reply.
Turkish text is not o.k.
He got this things now. I thing it can be present tense from his side. | | | 2011年 八月 15日 15:26 | | | Hi all,
I have edited according to your suggestions. I can see why Merdogan suggests present tense, but the idea here seems to be that the product was already defective when it reached the recipient; in that case the past tense sounds better in English.
Could someone translate the message I left below the translation please? (for any Turkish readers...)
Then I will add it and accept the translation. Thanks for all your input  | | | 2011年 八月 15日 15:42 | | | Here is the translation:
O halde, onu ekleyip çeviri kabul edeceÄŸim. Katılımınız için teÅŸekkürler. | | | 2011年 八月 15日 17:36 | | | Thanks again  |
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