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翻译 - 意大利语-英语 - Italian song

本文可用以下语言: 意大利语英语

Italian song
提交 Francky5591
源语言: 意大利语

Tra le luci distratte della notte, mille storie vivono...
dai beoni agli scambi di coppie tutto si colora un po'...
c'è chi compra l'amore e chi invece, preferisce far da sé...
poi ci sono dottori e infermiere che di nascosto si amano...
quante stelle cadono... e quanti sogni sperano...
le pattuglie ai chioschi si fermano, mentre i topi ballano...
e mentre i forni scaldano il pane, si riposano i metrò...
c'è chi resta nei parchi a fumare o chi guarda la tv...
c'è chi invece preferisce un locale e chi beve un po' di più...
quante stelle cadono... e quanti sogni sperano...
c'è chi raccoglie carte e sigarette di chi non ne può più...
e c'è chi conta pecore e finestre o chi col cane scende giù...
poi c'è chi parla da solo e chi lo sfotte e chi vede tutto da lassù...
quante stelle cadono...e quanti sogni sperano...
mentre dormi ti giri e sospiri, mille grilli cantano,
ma tu non li senti e sogni...quello che io mai saprò...
"Le luci della notte" by Italian pop rock band Modà

- British or American English
- Same for French, could be European or French from Québec ;-)

Lights of the Night

翻译 alexfatt
目的语言: 英语

A thousand stories live among the careless lights of the night
from boozers to partner-swappers, everything gets a bit embellished.
There are those who buy love and those who prefer making it on their own,
then there are doctors and nurses who love each other on the sly.
How many stars fall and how many dreams await!
Patrols stop at the kiosks while the mice play,
and while the ovens heat up the bread, the subways have a rest.
There are those who keep smoking in the parks, or those who watch TV,
and there are those who prefer going to the pub, and those who drink a bit too much.
How many stars fall and how many dreams await!
There are those who collect wastepaper and cigarettes which belonged to those who are fed up with them,
there are those who count sheep and windows, or those who go out with their dogs,
then there are those who talk to themselves, those who tease them and those who watch all this from above.
How many stars fall and how many dreams await!
While you are sleeping, you roll and sigh and a thousand crickets sing,
but you can't hear them and you dream about what I will never know.
I slightly changed some lines which did not fit the English text.
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2011年 十月 6日 12:49



2011年 十月 3日 13:06

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Wow Alex, great work!

I have some doubts, though.

1 - "...those who prefer doing it on their own"
If that refers to "love" it should be: "making it".

2 - "What a lot of stars fall down... and what a lot of dreams hope..."

I'd say:

"How many stars fall and how many dreams await!"

3 - Isn't "le pattuglie" plural? If so, it should be: "Patrols stop..."

4 - 'metrò' = subway/underground

5 - a bit too much

6 - "...who go out with their dog"

7 - "...those who talk to themselves"

8 - "...those who tease them " Tease who?

2011年 十月 3日 15:48

文章总计: 1538
Thank you Lilian

1 -

2 -

3 - Yes, it is.

4 - subway
In the Italian version "metrò" is plural (strange, indeed). Would it make sense in English to say "the subways have a rest"?

5 -

6 - Yeah, misspelling. Sorry

7 -

8 - To make it explicit: "those who tease those who talk with themselves". But this sounds weird, doesn't it?