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翻译 - 波兰语-英语 - Bardzo Å›miesznie jest umierać...

本文可用以下语言: 波兰语英语

讨论区 诗歌 - 艺术 / 创作 / 想象

Bardzo śmiesznie jest umierać...
提交 Aneta B.
源语言: 波兰语

Bardzo śmiesznie jest umierać
Kiedy żyć byś chciał
Nosić miano Olivera
Kiedy jesteÅ› Brown

Jak zabawnie chcieć i nie móc
Lub nie chcieć i móc
DziÅ› Romulus - jutro Remus
Jutro trup - dziś wódz

Chciałbyś lecieć za widnokrąg
Miasto Ci się śni
Czemu żyć chcesz Pinokio
W korowodzie złych dni

Bardzo śmiesznie wstawać rano
Kiedy spać byś chciał
I z twarzyczką zapłakaną
Wychodzić na raut

Jak zabawnie myśleć o czymś
Kiedy braknie słów
Prosto z pełni w sen wyskoczyć
W roześmiany nów

Chciałbyś słońca musisz moknąć
Myśląc w to mi graj
Nie umieraj Pinokio
Jeszcze jednÄ… noc trwaj
British English, please.

It is pretty funny to die

翻译 Aneta B.
目的语言: 英语

It is pretty funny to die
When you want to live
To be called Oliver
while you are Brown

How funny to be willing while you are unable
Or not to be willing while you are able
Today Romulus - tomorrow Remus
Tomorrow cadaver- today commander

You would like to fly over the horizon
You are dreaming of a city
Why do you want to live Pinocchio
In the parade of bad times

Very funny to get up in the morning
When you really need to sleep
And with a little face in tears
Just to go out and party

How funny to think of something
When you have no words
To jump out of the full moon into a dream
straight into the laughing new moon

You need the sun - you get wet
Thinking "it's fine by me"
Do not die Pinocchio
Hold on one more night
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2012年 七月 28日 15:22



2012年 七月 7日 15:07

lilian canale
文章总计: 14972
Hi Edyta,

Could you have a look at this translation and give your input? We won't have many votes for it.

CC: Edyta223

2012年 七月 7日 16:08

文章总计: 787
Hi Lilian!
The translation looks good. I want to change:
today cammander - today commander
"play it to me" - i'm feelin it


CC: lilian canale

2012年 七月 11日 21:15

Aneta B.
文章总计: 4487
Hi girls,
Yes, "commander" of course!

But I'm not sure about "I'm feelin it".

"W to mi graj" is a Polish phrasal verb and it probably could be translated into English in more than one way. I translated literally, but it may not be good.
My Polish friends who know English very well suggest:

"Like it's fine by me" (the most likely)

"I'm satisfied"

"It couldn't be better"

2012年 七月 11日 21:50

Aneta B.
文章总计: 4487
I have read that it depends on a context how we should translate the phrase. If it has a negative sens people can say ‘ In a pig’s eye/ear I will’ or ‘I don’t give a diddly-squat”

In positive sens we can translate it: ‘ Groovy, let’s roll’ or "it’s fine by me".


I think it is negative meaning in the poem.

2012年 七月 12日 11:11

文章总计: 3389
disable -> unable, I think

2012年 七月 12日 21:28

Aneta B.
文章总计: 4487
Oh, thanks Lein. You're probably right. "Disable" seems to be too much associated with "disabled people"...