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原始文本 - 英语 - Three new languages

本文可用以下语言: 英语法语日语荷兰语西班牙语加泰罗尼亚语德语世界语土耳其语阿拉伯语俄语保加利亚语罗马尼亚语葡萄牙语意大利语阿尔巴尼亚语瑞典语
索译列单: 尼泊尔语

Three new languages
提交 cucumis
源语言: 英语

About five days passed since the last news update and is now implemented in three new languages:
- Turkish translated for the most part by zort and helped by my old friend shanice.
- Catalan translated in only one day by the translation dream team: strip and Ereza.
- Japanese translated by ccdj and helped by Try.

That seems so easy to say, but it means a lot of work and I thank you all for the trust you placed in
We are now ready to welcome Mr. Googlebot but he seems to be a little shy...

Languages coming soon : Spanish (90% completed), Esperanto (85%), Russian (50%) and Greek (50%).
2005年 七月 18日 21:56