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原稿 - 英語 - Hey Hey beautiful I am so happy you called me...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: 英語 フィンランド語

カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール

Hey Hey beautiful I am so happy you called me...
原稿の言語: 英語

Hey Hey beautiful
I am so happy you called me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH !!!!! I can't wait to get a job so i can have money to take the plane and so visite you in Finland oh my god that is gonna be great.
I just wish i would have the money right now to come and see you , i will steal a bank to have to money to come and be with you hahahha
2008年 2月 27日 14:51