原稿の言語: 英語
Einstein gave hope to scientists chasing the most outlandish theories when he famously declared :" If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." He then proved the existence of black holes and the notion that time passes more slowly the faster you travel.
Now one of the world's most distinguished physicists has scrutinised some of science fiction's other concepts, such as teleportation and forcefields, and is convinced that they too can become reality. Professor Michio Kaku,of City University in New York, has ruled out time travel for at least a few millenia, but believes invisibility cloaks and telepathy could be possible this century.
"So many times predictions are made that certain things are impossible only to find them becoming possible a decade or a few decades later." he said. In his new book, "The Physics of the Impossible", published in the UK today, Kaku rates seemingly impossible phenomena according to how likely they are to happen.