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翻訳 - ヘブライ語-英語 - נולדת בשבילי

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: ヘブライ語英語

נולדת בשבילי
原稿の言語: ヘブライ語

את הכי יפה בעולם
מלכת היופי שלי
רק איתך אני מרגיש קיים
נולדת בשבילי

You were born for me

翻訳の言語: 英語

You are the most beautiful in the world
My queen of beauty
Only with you I feel I exist
You were born for me
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2008年 9月 10日 16:10



2008年 9月 5日 21:19

投稿数: 173
קיים = exist not complete.

2008年 9月 6日 09:11

投稿数: 257
2 things:
I would change 'queen of beauty' to 'beauty queen' - sounds more natural in English and also reflects what I believe was the speaker's meaning.
I would change 'born for me' to 'made for me' - I think it sounds better in English.
Come to think of it, 'most beautiful in the world' - sounds like it needs an object, like 'woman' or 'girl'.

2008年 9月 6日 11:11

投稿数: 212
I translated it being true to the original Hebrew text.
I do not agree about the beauty queen cause the person is not taking part in some competition to be titled beauty queen, but a supreme title of queen of all beauty in the world meaning a marvel!
There is a subtle difference between the two. And I as the translator chose the one I saw more fit.

The hebrew text does not say born says made, meaning created for me. If anything needs to be replaced then created for me is what I would use instead of made for you. But then again, there is a famous song that says "you were made for loving me baby, I was made for loving you" so made for is perfectly good and correct English!

Finally, I do not see why I need to add a word when it is not there in the original. I also considered adding the word woman or girl but I do not know the age of the person that is receiving this poem, I decided against it.

Thank you for the suggestions but I will remain with my original choice of words and wording.

2008年 9月 7日 20:41

投稿数: 257
Here's another idea:
'The fairest in the world' or 'in the land'.
BTW, it is actually from the lyrics of a popular song, and the way I've always understood it was 'my beauty queen', as in the most beautiful, though untitled, woman in the world.
And finally, you seem to agree with me on the 'made for' instead of 'born for'. I still think it is worth changing.

2008年 9月 8日 03:11

投稿数: 212
What about "the prettiest of all in the world" or maybe "the most beautifull in the world" or even "The most beautifull woman in the world" or even better "the most exquisite female on earth"

And the "made for" could also be "created for," "assembled for," delivered for," "placed here on earth for" ...

So, why exactly should I use your suggestions when there are so many more out there to choose from????

No specific reason at all. Your opinion is as good as mine. And I want to leave the translation as is.

Thank you

2008年 9月 8日 07:19

投稿数: 257
You can choose any of the options you gave. I'm proposing these suggestions because the English does not sound right to me. However, there are English experts around and they will decide the matter, won't they? No need to get angry, we're all on the same side.