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原稿 - 英語 - Elsewhere staghorn corals and the flattened...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: 英語 フランス語

Elsewhere staghorn corals and the flattened...
原稿の言語: 英語

Elsewhere staghorn corals and the flattened growths of foliate coral branch out like some fantastic vision of a forest. Among the corals bright red, orange and white sea anemones wave, crinoid worms flutter their fan-like feeding appendages, giant clams siphon water, their flesh impossibly purple, off to one side an octopus pulses its mottled skin changing colour slightly as it speculatively eyes the long dark spines of a couple of sea urchins lurking under an over-hang of moon coral.

Je voudrais la traduction d'anglais en français.

ça parle de corail

Merci d'avance
2011年 2月 1日 23:29