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翻訳 - ルーマニア語-英語 - De unde ai ÅŸtiut să răspunzi în portugheză?現状 翻訳
カテゴリ 自由な執筆 | De unde ai ÅŸtiut să răspunzi în portugheză? | | 原稿の言語: ルーマニア語
De unde ai ştiut să răspunzi în portugheză? Deci aţi pus planul în aplicare, dar tot nu scapă frate-miu fără o bătaie bună. |
| How come you were able to answer in Portuguese? | | 翻訳の言語: 英語
How come you were able to answer in Portuguese? So you have started putting your plan into action, but my brother will not get away without a good beating. |
最新記事 | | | | | 2007年 10月 23日 14:36 | | | Hi iepurica!
applying your plan
putting your plan into action
?  | | | 2007年 10月 23日 14:43 | | | Yes, I guess I have translated (AGAIN) directly from Romanian. I should pay more attention. Thank you. | | | 2007年 10月 23日 14:52 | | | Hmm..I still don't understand the connection between
So you have started to put your plan into action
your brother will not get away without a good fight
Especially that second phrase is strange:
your brother will not ... without a good fight
would usually mean
he will not accept ...; he will try to stop ... or fight ...
but why would he not accept his own escape, why would he try to stop or fight his own escape?  | | | 2007年 10月 23日 15:28 | | | "frate-miu" means "my brother" | | | 2007年 10月 23日 19:43 | | | This is the problem with the Romanian texts. They are not easy to translate, always full of irony, metaphoras or paradigms. "dar tot nu scapă frate-miu fără o bătaie bună" it's a funny way of "threatning" somebody. "a scăpa" means EXACTLY "to get away" and "fără o bătaie bună" means "without a good beating" or "without being well beaten", but than it would have been more confusing, so I preffered to use fight instead.
PS. Freya has a point there, it was "my brother", not "your brother".
| | | 2007年 10月 23日 18:03 | | | Dacă îmi permiÅ£i, Freya, am o mică precizare referitor la traducerea de faţă: nu poÅ£i pune că sensul unui întreg text este greÅŸit numai pentru o mică greÅŸeală precum "tău" în loc de "meu". ÃŽn astfel de cazuri, în general se postează un comentariu în josul paginii, cuvântul cu pricina nu schimbă intregul sens al frazei. | | | 2007年 10月 24日 04:07 | | | Bine. Scuze. De acum aÅŸa o să fac. Nu ÅŸtiam exact cum se procedează. Nicio supărare, nu? | | | 2007年 10月 24日 04:48 | | | Thanks, iepurica!
Okay, I guess I have to change it to
without a good beating
because without a good fight means only
he tries hard to stop something
he gets beaten up!
I'll edit it!  | | | 2007年 10月 24日 06:34 | | | Thanks, Ian. It seems that I don't know English as well as I believed.
| | | 2007年 10月 24日 09:53 | | | Andreea, your English is great! Never doubt it!
It's just that, at a very high level, suddenly the nuances become so important...
If I tried to write Romanian, you would fall on the floor laughing! | | | 2007年 10月 24日 14:14 | | | Nu îţi face probleme Freya, nu m-am supărat absolut deloc. Niciodată nu mă supăr pe cei care sunt bine intenÅ£ionaÅ£i şî chiar te rog să îmi atragi atenÅ£ia atunci când mai apar greÅŸeli de genul celei de aici. MulÅ£umesc frumos. |
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