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Source language
Latin Addit ( Scipio ) verbis honorem :" neque...
Addit ( Scipio ) verbis honorem :" neque magnificentius quicquam triumpho apud Romanos (esse ) , neque triumphantibus aùpliorem eo ornatum esse quo unum omnium externorum dignum Massinissam populus Romanus ducat ." Laelium,et ipsum conlautdatum , aurea corona donat ; et alii militares viri , prout a quoque navata opera erat , donati . His honoribus mollitus (est ) regis animus erectusque in spem propinquam , sublato Syphace , omnis Numidiae potiundae.
verbis .ablt de moyen , de ce terme peut etr tiré un dixit sous entendu , qui introduit le discours indirect qui suit .

Completed translations
French Scipion
Source language
Russian Oбломок был извлечен на н.эшерско гoродище...
Oбломок был извлечен на н.эшерско гoродище археологом Г.К Шамба из фундамента эллинистического строения I в. до н.э. плита была использована вторично. надпись на ней относится, как я полагаю к III-II вв-до н. э. см. табл. XX, рис. 1-2.
Находка хранится в отделе археологии Абхазкого ИЯЛИ в г. Акуа(Сухум).
Фрагмент ндписи представлен двумя заключитель ными строками текста, отделенными одна от другой горизонтальной чертой.Ширина плоскости, предназначенной для надписи, равна 15,5 см. Высота сохранившейся части этой плоскости -12 см. Во фрагмете надписи, 12 силлабов из которых 9 оказываются с незначительными отклонениями от уже известных.Новыми являются "ы" и "ф".силлаб ы повторен дважды.Читается надпись справа налево.Каково было ее назначение в целом-неизвесто.

Completed translations
English The piece was extracted
10Source language10
French respiration:en effectuant cet exercise expirez (...
respiration:en effectuant cet exercise expirez ( vider les poumons ) lorsque vous descendez et inspirez ( gonfler les poumons ) lorsque vous remontez
above : Link for the Romanian diacritics.
Any translation done without using these obligatory diacritics will be refused. Thanks to respect writen languages.
Ci-dessus : Lien pour les diacritiques roumains.
Toute traduction effectuée sans utiliser ces diacritiques sera refusée. Merci de respecter les langues écrites.

Completed translations
English Breathing: as you do this exercise, breathe out...
Romanian Exerciţiu
Source language
English This place seems like a free port. There is...
This place seems like a free port. There is activity here. Everybody is trying to sell and go back to their homes. Their faces looks unhappy and even stressed. The Caucasians I just visited at Adyghea were very relaxed in North and it is just the opposite here. Armenians leads the business here in hard currency and they are the shop owners.

Completed translations
Turkish Serbest ticaret bölgesi...
Source language
Portuguese Conversa no messenger
Olá, tudo bem, como estás? estás na faculdade? Tens de aprender ingles para podermos falar mais. Recebeste as fotografias da viagem? Até amanhã.

Completed translations
Turkish Selam,herşey iyi,sen nasılsın?
Source language
Spanish el ruego de la vida
Lorena, Paulina, Fernanda y Daniela se alistan para su
primer día de clases. Paulina les comunica que anda con Óscar, ante el franco
descontento de ellas. Óscar planea llevársela a Cuernavaca y apuesta con Carmelo
a que logra hacerla suya y que además le dará una prueba de esto. Fernanda trata
de amenizar la conversación de las amigas, cuando Daniela les confiesa que está
enamorada de Toño.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian O jogo da vida
Source language
French kit de survie
kit de survie
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English Survival kit
Chinese simplified 救生包
10Source language10
Romanian Râde ciob de oală spartă
Râde ciob de oală spartă
There is a specific saying in English, I don't want a word-by-word translation. That one I can do by myself. Thank you.

Completed translations
English the pot calling the kettle black
Danish Translation in danish
Italian Il bue che dice cornuto all'asino
Source language
Russian В сентяабре 1977 г. я получил из Абхазии...
В сентяабре 1977 г. я получил из Абхазии фотографию, а в феврале 1978 года гипсовый слепок с обломка известняковой литы с фрагментом надписи ашуйского(древнего абхазо=абазино=убыхского) письма.

Completed translations
English In September 1977 I received
Source language
Danish glød, spænding
glød, spænding
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English glow, excitement
Portuguese brazilian ardor, excitação
Source language
Turkish bak belli olmuyormu diyorum
bak belli olmuyormu diyorum
Um amigo me escreveu e não quis traduzir para mim =(

Completed translations
English Look, I'm asking if it's not clear
Portuguese brazilian Veja, eu estou pedindo se isto não está claro
Source language
Latin Quod bonum, felix faustumque sit, variatio...
Quod bonum, felix faustumque sit, variatio delectat vita via est, amicitia vita optimum!!!
foi enviado no meu e-mail e nao sei o que é.
e tambem nao sei o idioma certo.
se puderem me ajudar agradeço.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Que a amizade seja sempre boa, ditosa ...
Source language
French langage familier
Cela m’étonnerait qu’il pleuve demain matin
J’ai l’impression de rêver
J’imagine qu’il est difficile de
Je dois dire que ce pays est magnifique
Je tiens à préciser que cette ville est convenable
Selon lui
Je ne vois pas l’intérêt de parler
Je suppose que
quelques mots difficiles à traduire

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Linguagem familiar
Source language
English eleven o'clock
eleven o'clock

what is it?
is 1:2 o'clock
what's for ?
it is


this is good!
a glass of , . you
you re !
isso é uma liçao de escola
os espaços em branco é para eu completar com as palavras que tem um traço (-) no fim.


Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Onze horas
Source language
English Where I go, I just don't know, I've got to, got...
Where I go, I just don't know,
I've got to, got to, gotta take it slow.
When I find my peace of mind,
I'm gonna give you some of my good time.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Aonde eu vou, eu não sei
Source language
Arabic حضن
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
French embrassement
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