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Translation - English-Polish - hello, I am fine thank you, I miss you too...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishPolish

hello, I am fine thank you, I miss you too...
Submitted by kfeto
Source language: English


I am fine thank you, I miss you too.
I hope you enjoyed your stay here and that you can come back in October.
You can write to me in Polish, I speak it fluently now.:-)

My name email is....

Take care

PS: I went to .... recently and the African guy is dying to meet you!!!
Remarks about the translation
addressed to a female, writer is male

Witam, Mam się dobrze, dziękuję...

Translated by Aneta B.
Target language: Polish


Mam się dobrze, dziękuję. Ja też za tobą tęsknię.
Mam nadzieję, że Ci się tutaj podobało i że możesz wrócić w październiku. Możesz pisać do mnie w języku polskim. Mówię w nim teraz płynnie. ;-)

Mój adres e-mail to....

Trzymaj siÄ™!

P.s. Ostatnio poszedłem do... i ten murzyn umiera z tęsknoty za spotkaniem z Tobą!!!
Remarks about the translation
It's interesting you claim to be fluent in Polish language... Aneta B. ;-)
Validated by Aneta B. - 2 September 2011 09:38

Last messages


27 August 2011 21:41

Number of messages: 953
well you are, Aneta ;-)
anyways i do add a smiley behind it...
thanks a bunch

27 August 2011 21:28

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Don't worry. I was just joking...

BTW. Could you edit your source a bit?
in oktober --> in October

27 August 2011 21:43

Number of messages: 953
hmm, I don't know how to do that.
Maybe only experts can?:-x

27 August 2011 23:04

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Thanks, Lilly, again! You're keeping a watchful eye, as usual.