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Translation - English-German - Truly, feeling more love than I do, is impossible.

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Category Sentence

Truly, feeling more love than I do, is impossible.
Submitted by Tiara
Source language: English Translated by houmanrm

Truly, feeling more love than I do, is impossible.
Remarks about the translation
tarjomeh kardam : Vagean ashegtar az MAN geyre momkeneh
barye inke agar begam Vagean ashegtar az IN geyre momkeneh, mishe eshtebah fahmid : Man az in asheg tar nemitoonam basham.

Wahrhaftig, mehr Liebe fühlen als ich ist unmöglich.

Translated by Rodrigues
Target language: German

Wahrhaftig, mehr Liebe fühlen als ich ist unmöglich.
Validated by Rumo - 12 April 2007 19:44