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Translation - Norwegian-Portuguese - takk for det gode selskapet i dette aret! Den...

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This text is available in the following languages: NorwegianPortuguese

takk for det gode selskapet i dette aret! Den...
Submitted by elisabete
Source language: Norwegian

takk for det gode selskapet i dette aret! Den blir snart historie og jeg onsker deg et stralend liv i det nye aret som kommer...

Obrigado pela relação agradável durante este ano! E...

Translated by Mats Fondelius
Target language: Portuguese

Obrigado pela relação agradável durante este ano!
Isso logo se tornará história e eu lhe desejo uma vida esplêndida durante o ano novo que chega…
Validated by Borges - 19 April 2007 04:04

Last messages


17 April 2007 14:53

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
I think it's better and senseful if it was :"isso logo se tornará história".

17 April 2007 18:29

Mats Fondelius
Number of messages: 153
Hello again Casper!

I hope everything is OK with you!

To the 'issue' of concern - the original Norwegian text translated correctly to English is:
"It is soon to become history" = "Den blir snart historie".
Note it is in 'singular' not 'plural' it refers to, which is why I chosed "É logo..." instead of "Isso logo..." - to emphasis the 'singularity' it refers to.

Anyway, you´re the expert when it comes to what Brazilian words come closest to this Norwegian text explained above.

Let´s do some good teamwork - I'll 'buy' either expression if you stress the 'singular'...

Kind regards,

Mats Fondelius "figge2001"

P.S. You must live in a different time zone than Lúcia my girlfriend from Sao Luis, Maranhao (= - 4 hours) due to the times you work... In Brasilia maybe..?

17 April 2007 22:36

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
-That's allright with me, thank you.
I've sent the answer for that improvement to the site.
-I saw it in norwegian and english ,then I think the best tranlation is that one.
blir= se tornará
snart= logo (cedo)
All this go in the context= Isto logo se tornará.
"É logo se tornar história" is very senseless.But the rest is very perfect.

-*My time zone is the Brasília one.I live in Paraná,in the southern part.

Vi ses, Mats.