Target language: English
I have read your letter dated (date) carefully.
I will not judge this story, but I will tell you that:
- Mr XX has already communicated with you in June about wanting to remove the gate;
- the walls of the house and the garden are common parts of the PPP;
- with the letter from X you knew about the meeting and stated your position.
- I knew from your letter of X, about your intention of selling and from the letter of X that I was in charge of the selling-purchasing
- Mr. XX didn't know either that the cultivated garden invaded the land XX and that the XXX was the property of Mrs. XX.
- I hope that all XXX reach an agreement about the property, at the next meeting I intend to discuss and find a solution to all the problems.
The arch is at your disposal, Mrs Ruggia has the gate.
I'm sending the expense invoice on September 30, 2007.
With my best regards