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20Übersetzung - Englisch-Türkisch - I miss you so much and I can't live without your...

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Kategorie Gedanken - Liebe / Freundschaft

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I miss you so much and I can't live without your...
Übermittelt von tihabella
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

I miss you so much and I can't live without your letters. I hopr you are allright and you will write as soon as possible. But I still keep worrying about you. My hope is to hear you are allright.
Kiss You

Seni çok özlüyorum...

Übersetzt von Rise
Zielsprache: Türkisch

Seni çok özledim ve mektupların olmadan yaşayamıyorum. Umarım iyisindir ve biran önce yazarsın. Ama senin için hala endişeleniyorum. Umudum iyi olduğunu duymak.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von handyy - 10 August 2008 14:40