dareshimo ga otozureru yo ni sobieru sadame no mon kurai kiri no tada naka motome sagase makoto no michi shinwa no naka de kurikaesareru batoru seinaru kurosu matoi yami wo uchinuke hikari kakagete tokikoe habatake pegasasu moetatsu kosumo megami no senshi tobe
Hi Goncin,
Because this is kind of long (and I don't like translating dumb song lyrics), could I ask you to drop the following real Japanese (from the song lyrics site here) into some translation software, or translate the Portuguese into English for me to check the meaning, please? ---
é‹å‘½(ã•ã ã‚)ã®é–€
Now you know why I don't enjoy translating these dumb anime/manga lyrics... That's just about exactly what this text literally means... ---
Small alterations to the above:
...the gate of destiny that stands tall in the night.