Zielsprache: Englisch
...because these pictures are very important to her
...she also used my other pictures in other places
...and please let's close this 'space' matter, you exaggerated it too much
...I like to put myself to pain. those pictures have no importance to me. even more, it makes no diffrence that you are 'space'
...what you you have done if you had 70 thousand dollar stolen from you... I am asking you
...with my personality I handle some things differently
...and the bank debt goes on together with the interest. I can't cover it.
...I sold my flat and my precious stuff too.
...and please don't judge me or try to show me the way
...I am not giving up my freedom for anyone
...with these corrections on your mind, if you want to be friends with me, we have to continue our relationship.
...but I am very sensitive about this subject so please never judge what I have done, never judge me
...what I think is right, is right unless proven wrong
...and I am saying for the last time, the fact that your pictures are 'space' means nothing to me
...one day I will look down the hill in Istanbul
...and I will never react with my love ever again
...but in the meantime Elena got the cancer... Allah punishes everyone somehow...
...from now on only the logic will rule again, I will only come back as old cenk or as 'inconstant butterfly'
...as a matter of fact, it is not over
...I am telling you... for us the biggest problem is the language
in order to understand eachother, to speak out our real feelings we need english or another foreign language
...but the only truth is that, I don't know the reason, I looked into your eyes and I fell in love with you