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Originaltext - Englisch - Say, how to Talk to Girls?

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Kategorie Literatur

Say, how to Talk to Girls?
Zu übersetzender Text
Übermittelt von Albertordm
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

Say, how to Talk to Girls?
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
It is a title of a book
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Francky5591 - 15 Februar 2009 23:51

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16 Februar 2009 01:05

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Francky, I think this shouldn't be a question.
The title of the book seems to be: "How to talk to girls", this edit (a question form) may complicate the translations.
Could it simply be:
"Explain how to talk to girls" ?

CC: Francky5591

16 Februar 2009 11:21

Anzahl der Beiträge: 12396
I should have removed this one, because now it was translated into threee different languages, and I'll have to ask three different experts to edit again.

Why don't people read our rules before submitting their text to translation? I'm wondering, and I'm beginning to think we should add a general warning on top of this page telling : "your translation request may be removed without any other warning if you do not respect the following rules : "

This way, we wouldn't waste a lot of time posting all these admin's message afterwards, or trying to find a solution for these texts to be accepted just because requesters didn't bother to read or didn't want to understand what we want, and what we do not want to translate on

17 Februar 2009 11:05

Anzahl der Beiträge: 279

I think it's just "Say, how do you talk to girls ?"

"Say" has the meaning "to declare or express in words; tell; state".

17 Februar 2009 18:03

Anzahl der Beiträge: 3769
Can it be "Say, how is "to Talk to Girls" book?

18 Februar 2009 08:19

Anzahl der Beiträge: 279
I haven't said this in a long time, but Merdogan, did you have too much to drink just before you wrote your last message ?