Let's see what we can do. By the way I will come to loathe Facebook at some point with all these requests!
A: So, will you tell me which island these photos are from?
("Telika", translated as "so" actually means "finally". In this specific context it means that she has asked again and again, and she is getting a bit fed up)
B: Santorini lass ... it says so on top!!
("kopelia", translated as "lass" is a way to refer to a young girl/woman. As for "on top" it can refer to anything!It can very well be "on the top"
C: Stella, Ellenitsa is not just a lass/a simple lass. She can run rings around us all if she wants....haha..anyway, yes it's Santorini
("Run rings around us": The original has the expression "she can sell and buy us all" which means that she is very cunning, smart. I bet that Turkish has at least one wonderful expression for the same thing.)
D: Nevermind... I may, as you say, run rings around people, but some times I'm as sharp as a bowling ball...like now for instance.. but basically my problem is that I'm blind....hahaha!!! Thank you by the way for I would NEVER SEE IT I THINK
1."Ase" tr as "Nevermind": Sort of "oh well", "let it go" or something.
2 "Sharp as a bowling ball": The original expression translates as "I burn coal". It means that my brain works slowly (just as an engine or a boat that uses coal is slower than i.e. a nuclear engine

3. "Like that for instance". There's no "for instance" in the original. The original says "like now too"
4. "Blind". Obviously meaning either that she is shortsighted or that she doesn't notice things
Hope this helps!