Dzień się narodził ponownie Słońce wstało do wędrówki Właśnie ukrywa się za konarami topoli Stocznia już daje znać że pracuje Ptaki jeszcze milczą Prom wpływa do portu Niebo błękitnieje Chmury w kratkę przeciął samolot
Dzień się narodził A ja żyję nocą A ja żyję Tobą
Hello Aneta.
OK, I see! I read the posts. But I am very very limited in Italian, unfortunately I can't help. But I am interested in knowing the final result.
But the crucial thing was discussed in English, not in Italian, hanternoz.
The essential post was:
"...litteral, because a true literal translation of Polish: "Stocznia już daje znać że pracuje"
would be:
"The shipyard already lets us know that it has started working".
English translation "The shipyard utters out its busy sounds" is also just metaphorical.
I never use a word "sounds" or "busy sounds" in my poem. It was the translator's into English (Aleksander's) idea. Yet I accepted this as long as the adjective "busy" referred somehow to "work", "working" etc.
Anyway I wouldn't like the first 8 lines were poetic or metaphorical. They are just to be prosaic and to contrast the final three poetic lines".