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Umseting - Hollendskt-Enskt - de aannemer stelt zichin verbinding met de...

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Bólkur Frágreiðing - Handil / Arbeiði

de aannemer stelt zichin verbinding met de...
Framborið av MÃ¥ddie
Uppruna mál: Hollendskt

de aannemer stelt zichin verbinding met de bevoegde overheid voor het bepalen van de bouwlijn.De bouwwerken worden uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de opgemakte plannen evenals de niveaus.Daarna wordt het tracé der werken en gebouw uitgezet.

Building plans

Umsett av Urunghai
Ynskt mál: Enskt

The building contractor is communicating with the proper authorities to determine the front building line. The works will be executed according to the drawn plans and to the levels. Afterwards the location line of the constructions and the building will be plotted.
Góðkent av lilian canale - 5 Juni 2008 03:12

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3 Juni 2008 19:43

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
Hi Urunghai,

Could it be "boundary lines for the building" "?

3 Juni 2008 19:49

Tal av boðum: 3389
Aha, it was you!
I just had my translation ready when the request disappeared!

Here it is anyway...

the contractor contacts the local authority concerned in order to determine the front building line. The construction works are carried out in accordance with the previously drawn-up plans as well as the levels. Following this, the course of works and building is filled out.

Lily, I think front building line is the proper English expression, I also found it on construction websites. I'd just leave the " 's away!

3 Juni 2008 21:32

Tal av boðum: 464
Ok, I'll edit if "front building line" is a proper expression.
Thanks, Lein!

3 Juni 2008 21:59

Tal av boðum: 1285

Hello to all of you,

Thanks for your help, as I was the one who requested this translation in English, in order to make the one in Romanian.

Lilian, I know you have a lot of evaluations to do, and I hope you'll forgive me for adding English to the requests I know that have no chance to be done without it.


3 Juni 2008 22:38

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
Hi Madeleine,

I can see that you are eager to help the site doing all the requested translations into Romanian, but when you don't know the source language, the best thing you can do is asking for bridges and sharing the points with that user who helps you. You don't have to spend all the points asking for a translation that was not required by the submitter.
When a request is submitted the requester is advised to include a translation into English to make things easier and faster. If s/he chooses not to do so, it must not be that urgent.

Bridging texts is a commom practice on cucumis! Start practising!

3 Juni 2008 23:03

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972

I liked Lein's suggestion: "previously drawn-up plans "

I am confused about: "as well as the levels" that both of you used.
Shouldn't that line read:

The works will be executed according to the previously drawn-up plans and to the levels (as well). ?

3 Juni 2008 23:22

Tal av boðum: 1285

Well, I know all of that, and perhaps I should stop trying to translate all of them...

But it's my nature, there's nothing I can do about it. I guess I would have had much more points, but I am satisfied that I've helped some people out.

But I'm feeling guilty about giving you so much more work to do...
Have a nice day! (here it's midnight )


4 Juni 2008 11:30

Tal av boðum: 3389
Hi Lilly,
I was confused about the meaning of the original text as well. It doesn't seem to make grammatical or other sense... 'As well' is the literal translation but since there isn't really a meaning to change, your suggestion would be fine I think! (Of course it's ultimately up to Urunghai!)

4 Juni 2008 14:31

Tal av boðum: 464
Yes, I think that's what's meant with "evenals", I'll edit to make it more clear.
I guess a plan is rather "drawn" than "made", too.