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Framborið av Allright
Uppruna mál: Danskt

Hvordan ser erhvervslivet ud i fremtiden? Hvordan ser fremtidens jobprofil ud? I en nyligt udgivet bog om emnet hævdes det, at det som man får brug for i det 21. århundrede er en ”rolle” og ikke et job. En dansk professor er enig og definerer ”rollen” som en blanding af faglige kvalifikationer og personlige egenskaber: ”Den ansattes personlighed spiller i dag en stadig større rolle for virksomhederne. Ikke alene skal man besidde solide faglige kvalifikationer, det er også vigtigt, at man skal passer til virksomhedens kultur og ikke bare søger ansættelse for pengenes skyld.”
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Dressed for the future

Umsett av Bamsa
Ynskt mál: Enskt

What will the business community look like in the future? What will the job profile look like in the future? In a newly published book about the subject it is claimed that in the 21-st century what one needs is a "role" not a job. A Danish professor agrees and defines "the role" as a mixture of professional skills and personal qualities: "The personality of the employee plays an even bigger role for companies today. You must not have only solid professional skills, it is also important that you fit into the culture of the company and that you don't seek employment just for the sake of the money."
Góðkent av lilian canale - 27 August 2008 15:58

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26 August 2008 04:35

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
Hi Bamsa,

Good work, but there are a few adjustments to be done:

"How will the business community look like in the future? (the same with the second question)
what one need ---what one needs

The last line has to be corrected.
Not only you must have solid professional skills, but it is also important that you fit into the culture of the company and not seek employment for only the sake of the money."

I'd say either:

"You must not have only solid professional skills, it is also important that you fit into the culture of the company and that you don't seek employment just for the sake of the money."

"It is important not only having solid professional skills, but also fitting into the culture of the company, not seeking employment just for the sake of the money."

What do you think?

26 August 2008 10:37

Tal av boðum: 1524
Hi lilian,

Your first suggestion sounds good, I will correct my translation in accordance with that one.

CC: lilian canale

26 August 2008 17:07

Tal av boðum: 1084
I would say "WHAT will the...look like" in the two first sentences.

26 August 2008 17:36

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
You're right Lenab, my fault! Forgot to correct that.