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Umseting - Rumenskt-Russiskt - În acelaşi sens savantul Ţurcanu V.I. subliniază...

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În acelaşi sens savantul Ţurcanu V.I. subliniază...
Framborið av moslove
Uppruna mál: Rumenskt

În acelaşi sens savantul Ţurcanu V.I. subliniază „consumurile au loc pînă la vînzarea produselor, mărfurilor şi prestărilor de servicii. Cheltuielile se atribuie la produsele şi mărfurile vîndute şi se deduc din venitul obţinut al acestora” [10].
Unii economişti din Federaţia Rusă de asemenea consideră aceşti termeni ca sinonime. De exemplu, Carpova T.V. defineşte consumurile de producţie ca totalitatea cheltuielilor întreprinderii privind fabricarea produselor (executarea lucrărilor, prestarea serviciilor)

В том же смысле учёный Цуркану В.И. подчеркивает

Umsett av mihu_el
Ynskt mál: Russiskt

В том же смысле учёный Цуркану В.И. подчеркивает "Расходы имеют место до продажи продуктов, товаров и оказания услуг. Затраты относятся к проданным продуктам и товарам и вычитаются из дохода, полученного от них" [10]. Некоторые экономисты из Российской Федерации также считают эти термины синонимами. Например, Карпова Т.В. определяет расход как общие затраты компании на производство товаров (выполнение работ, оказание услуг).
Góðkent av Siberia - 20 September 2009 19:25

Síðstu boð

Eini boð

17 September 2009 22:57

Tal av boðum: 758
Hi iepurica and azitrad!

Could you help us with a bridge here?

Thank you so much in advance!

CC: iepurica azitrad

18 September 2009 10:16

Tal av boðum: 970
Here you are Sunny:

In the same regard, the scientist Ţurcanu V.I. emphasizes „consumptions occur until the sale of products, merchandises and the rendering of services. Expenses are assigned to sold products and merchandises and are deducted from their obtained income” [10].
Some economists from the Russian Federation also consider these terms as synonyms. For example, Carpova T.V. defines the production consumptions as the entire expenses of the company in what manufacturing the products (works performance, services rendering) is concerned.

18 September 2009 10:50

Tal av boðum: 758
Thank you, Andreea!
Have a good day!

18 September 2009 14:49

Tal av boðum: 2102
Well, I see the other Andreea was faster.

Sorry, I've just seen the message now.