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Umseting - Italskt-Enskt - Però anche la divulgazione va fatta da esperti,...

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Bólkur Náttúruvísindi

Però anche la divulgazione va fatta da esperti,...
Framborið av Fede18
Uppruna mál: Italskt

Però anche la divulgazione va fatta da esperti, ma devono essere esperti nella materia di cui parlano e devono saper scrivere in modo che il lettore, non
rimanga disorientato e molli subito la presa, rinunciando a capire.

The popularization should be made by experts

Umsett av _Brilliant_
Ynskt mál: Enskt

Nevertheless, the popularization too should be done by experts, who should only talk about their field of expertise and be able to write in such a way that the reader does not give up trying to understand for feeling disoriented and at sea.
Góðkent av Lein - 30 August 2011 13:54

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19 August 2011 18:29

Tal av boðum: 3389
Hello _Brilliant_

I'm sorry it took so long before we started to evaluate this translation
I understand a bit of Italian, but not enough so please help me out before I set a poll

- popularization is to make things popular, or accessible for the general public (not just experts). Is that the meaning of 'divulgazione' here, rather than 'publishing' or 'dissemination', which is just spredaing the idea? It makes sense, I just wanted to check

- popularization (or publication or dissemination) is done, not made (difficult to explain the difference as I think most Latin languages use the same word for 'to make' and 'to do').

- 'discuss about' is not good English; one can discuss something, or talk about something.

- I think the last part means something that by presenting it in the right way and making it easy to understand, the aim is to avoid that the reader feels as if he is walking in a maze (I like the English expression of feeling 'at sea', i.e. feeling confused) and stops even trying to understand. Is that correct?
Could we phrase it like this?

Nevertheless, the popularization too should be done by experts, who should only talk about their field of expertise and be able to write in such a way that the reader does not give up trying to understand for feeling disoriented and at sea.

Please let me know what you think

25 August 2011 23:25

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
" devono essere esperti nella materia di cui parlano e devono saper scrivere in modo ..."

"..., but they must be experts in the field they talk about and must know how to write in such a way that...

30 August 2011 13:53

Tal av boðum: 3389
Thanks! The meaning stays about the same, but 'should' sounds more natural in this context so I'll leave this as it is.

I'll accept