Vad pågår? Just a suggestion!

Sorry to bother you... please, don't be rude.
Ad primum ergo dicendum quod:
“Vita mira est†is unacceptable, because “
mirus –a –um †is ambiguous here (cf. subst.
mira –orum , n., wonders, marvels, v. gr.
septem mira , the seven wonders of the world) and even it usually is pejorative, v. gr.:
Mira res est!
Mira quidem, sed tamen acta, loquor (Ovid's Fasti, VI, v. 612).
Apart from that there is the etymological origen of the word "maravilhosa" (from lat. mirabilia), so "mirabilis" is probably the most appropriate term in this case.
Ad secundum dicendum quod:
You are a good Latin expert, but if I see something wrong, I just say it. I don’t want to be a nuisance to you. Take it easy and keep up your good work!
CC: Porfyhr