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Originele tekst - Engels - Dear Hüseyin,how are you?I hear ...

Huidige statusOriginele tekst
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: EngelsTurks

Categorie Toespraak

Dear Hüseyin,how are you?I hear ...
Te vertalen tekst
Opgestuurd door israambalaj
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

Dear Hüseyin,
how are you?
I hear nothing from you about mercedes. How you want to make?
Can you send me adress from the printing area, so you can meet Mr. von Bandemer there and he can buy the material to produce.
You know it must be quickly.

Send me information

Best Regards
Laatst bewerkt door lilian canale - 15 april 2009 16:37