Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Vertaling - Engels-Koerdisch - Customize-exportation-translations

Huidige statusVertaling
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Aangevraagde vertalingen: IersKlingonNepaleesNewariUrduVietnameesKoerdisch

Categorie Website/Blog/Forum - Computers/Internet

Opgestuurd door cucumis
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

With the exportation template you can customize the exportation of the project translations to the language files.
Details voor de vertaling
What is the exportation process? For example, you have 3 translations in your project. For the English language the 3 texts are "Home", "Directory", "Help". You can export the 3 translations to a file with a given template. For example you want the lines of your file being like «MyTranslation_[transref]="[trans]";»
Then when you export the 3 translations of your project you will create a file (that we call language file because it represents the english language for your project) that will be like this :

10 juni 2006 21:37