Doel-taal: Engels
Notice of provisional award of contract
For additional studies into the execution of works on the public roads and various networks of Technopôle, and the fulfilment thereof
Pursuant to the provisions of article 24, paragraph 4 of the presidential decree of 23 September 2004, as amended and supplemented, concerning the regulation of public procurement, we inform all bidders who responded to the restricted national and international invitation to tender, published in the daily press, that at the end of the procedure of analysis and evaluation of the bids, technically and financially, in relation to the implementation as a complete package of the works on the public highways and various networks (VRD) (used water and rain-water drains, gas, public lighting, drinking water, protective piping for fibre-optical, electrical and communications cables) based on the pre-existing studies into the details of execution, undertaken by Technopôle, the contract has provisionally been awarded to the Anglo-French company, limited by American law, "X".
The value of the bid corrected for all taxes is one billion five hundred and seventy million four hundred and fifty-six thousand two hundred and seventy-two euro and seventy-three cents.
The overall implementation time is fifteen months, split over three months for further studies and twelve months for the work.