Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Anglų
When I got sick, two years ago (and it pains me a lot remembering it)..I almost stumble getting up as my whole body was shaking from high blood pressure. I can't eat anything as there's noone to cook. I gOt left in the house because all of my housemates go to work. Jocy came who took care of me. Controlling of cholesterol, sugar, monitoring of blood pressure..she almost served me due to her pity. My clothes were all prepared. If not for her PERHAPS I SHOULD HAVE BEEN LONG DEAD AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO FINISH YOUR STUDIES AND BE ABLE TO BUY ALL YOU LIKE. She is no longer with me even before your sisters arrived here. I admitted to them, to Marjorie and Dyan about me and Jocy before because I don't want them to know it from other people. If I am keeping or hiding anything here, THEN WHY DID I BRING YOUR SISTERS HERE IN DUBAI WHEN I HAVE A GRAND LIFE WOMANIZING?