Hi mrnupsen, welcome here at

as our second Norwegian expert! As Lilian and Lene said, you're going to get used to our rules after a while.
If the requester ever want to write "André" after he gets the translation, I think he's big enough to do it himself. He was warned about our rules
before submitting any text to translation (see link under)
We do not translate names on

(translating a name is kind of absurd, because our name is writen on our ID card and/or passport. eg : mine is Franck; if I ever go to Spain, my name is not going to become "Franco" because I'll have crossed the border, I can assume it will still be writen "Franck" on my ID card and/or passport.
Then about transliterating, after thousands of requests submitted for tatoos we've been through with wasting our time with that crap(when I'm talking about "we", I mean assiduous members, volunteers here, experts and admins), so that we decided to set these rules on.
There are other websites that are doing transliterations of names on the internet, but on

what we want to do is translation of texts.
And what we want to translate is exactly defined on
this page (this is the page you land onto when you're using the Norwegian interface and when you click on "submit a new text to translation"

Any user can read this page, and check the boxes telling s/he agrees with these rules before her/his text to be submitted to translation.
I hope you're satisfied with my reply to your questions, these rules were set on collectively, and we worked hard enough on it, just to let the volunteer's job be a bit more pleasant to all of us.
Of course there are still improvements to be done for it to be perfect, we'll probably issue some others in the future, thanks to any member's suggestions.

Thanks for willing to help us with the Norwegian expertize, and do not hesitate to ask about whatever you don't understand, any of your private messages to my inbox will be replied to.