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Vertimas - Ispanų-Graikų - Es mejor estar solo que con actores.

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Es mejor estar solo que con actores.
Pateikta donev7
Originalo kalba: Ispanų Išvertė maki_sindja

Es mejor estar solo que con actores.

Dėmesio, šio vertimo dar neperžiūrėjo ir nepatvirtino ekspertas, taigi, vertimas gali būti klaidingas!
Καλύτερα μόνος, παρά με υποκριτές.

Išvertė User10
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Graikų

Καλύτερα μόνος, παρά με υποκριτές.

Pastabos apie vertimą
<edit> "Καλύτερα να είναι μόνος του κανείς, παρά με υποκριτές." with "Καλύτερα μόνος, παρά με υποκριτές." according to Linguistics and kafetzou's suggestions (01/15/2017)</edit>
Patvirtino Francky5591 - 15 sausis 2017 13:27

Paskutinės žinutės


11 vasaris 2014 23:45

Žinučių kiekis: 12396
Well, this was accepted because I had a suggestion from GhiRic who told me this (the actual version) would rather be matching the meaning than the literal translation does (in which you can see the word "acteur" )

I still can edit the French version with the literal translation instead, the experts into every other languages will do the same and the problem will be fixed, what is your opinion Laura

10 vasaris 2014 20:20

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
What do you mean by "the actual version", Franck?

11 vasaris 2014 23:38

Žinučių kiekis: 12396
The one you can actually see

12 vasaris 2014 03:15

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
I still don't understand where this version came from, and yes, I think we should make the changes.

Which one was the original language, and did it mention actors or bad company?

12 vasaris 2014 13:26

Žinučių kiekis: 12396
The original is the Bulgarian version, and it mentions actors, not bad company (well, at least according to "google translate"

*Where it comes from : have a look to the link I posted, you will see what was said in the discussion area.

12 vasaris 2014 18:59

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
User10, can you change this translation to match the new (orginal) version?

25 balandis 2014 21:34

Žinučių kiekis: 1
Είναι προτιμότερο να είσαι μόνος από το να είσαι με υποκριτές.

1 birželis 2015 01:35

Žinučių kiekis: 949
Με ηθοποιούς, άρα με υποκριτές μήπως είναι πιο σωστό;

1 birželis 2015 05:01

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
In Turkish, it literally means, "It's better to be alone than with bad company." There's nothing there about what kind of bad company they are - actors, hypocrites, etc.

1 birželis 2015 12:53

Žinučių kiekis: 138
Hello sorry to pop in.

If the Turkish version is right and the word "actors" is not there, the French version is:

Il vaut mieux être seul(e) que mal accompagné(e).

and Franck knows that, of course.

It's often used in French concerning
people living alone and would like to find their "alter ego" but if they can't they prefer
to stay on their own.

Hope I have made myself clear enough, if not,
no doubt Franck will explain it better.

CC: Francky5591

CC: prasinopapaki Francky5591

1 birželis 2015 15:43

Žinučių kiekis: 12396
I wouldn't explain it better than you did here, Lene!

1 birželis 2015 17:40

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
I don't know which is the original version here. If it's the Turkish, we should change the rest, but based on my comment above, I guess it wasn't.

1 birželis 2015 17:42

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
I see now that the Bulgarian was the original version, and from your comments above, Franck, it did not mention "bad company", so it's the Turkish that needs to be changed.

CC: Francky5591

14 sausis 2017 17:50

Žinučių kiekis: 3
in Greek we would prefer shorter yet stronger sentences. That's why I'd rather consider the following much better: Καλύτερα μόνος, παρά με υποκριτές.

14 sausis 2017 19:29

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
Oh yes - that's a much more elegant solution, but this translation is now three years old (started in 2014), so I don't know if anything will be done about it.

15 sausis 2017 01:27

Žinučių kiekis: 138
I think we should do it, even if old.

such a pleasure to be back again

CC: prasinopapaki Francky5591 Mideia Linguistics

15 sausis 2017 05:43

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
Great - is User10 still on the site? If so, maybe we should get her input, as it's her translation.

15 sausis 2017 13:26

Žinučių kiekis: 12396
Hi! I sent her a private message with a link to this page, after I edited her version to place this one above.

Thanks for this notification, Lene!

15 sausis 2017 14:56

Žinučių kiekis: 138
Nothing to thank for Franck.

Just love cucumis.

CC: prasinopapaki Francky5591

15 sausis 2017 18:39

Žinučių kiekis: 7963
Sounds good - thanks Lene & Franck!
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