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Translation - Italian-English - Suonare la nota più acuta con un arco da...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ItalianEnglish

Category Expression - Arts / Creativity / Imagination

Suonare la nota più acuta con un arco da...
Submitted by Xini
Source language: Italian

Suonare la nota più acuta con un arco da contrabbasso (m. d.), le due note più gravi con bacchette dure (m. s.)
Remarks about the translation
m.d. and m.s. = abbreviations for right hand and left hand

These are directions for a vibraphone player.


Translated by Xini
Target language: English

Play upper note with a contrabass bow (r. h.), lower two notes with hard sticks (l. h.)
Remarks about the translation
just want to know if it sounds correct to native ears.
Last validated or edited by dramati - 28 January 2008 09:07