Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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10Eredeti szöveg - Angol - We are entitled to invoice interest on arrears...

Vàrakozàs alattEredeti szöveg
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : AngolLeegyszerüsített kínai

Témakör üzlet / Munkàk

We are entitled to invoice interest on arrears...
Forditando szöveg
Ajànlo nina-guainannan
Nyelvröl forditàs: Angol

Interest on arrears will be invoiced amounting to 4.5
percent points above the discount rate of the
Deutsche Bundesbank. We are entitled to invoice
interest on arrears amounting to 4,5 percent points
above the Frankfurt interbank rate (Fibor) upon
cancellation of the discount rate of the Deutsche
Bundesbank. The interest on arrears is to be
estimated at a higher or lower value, respectively, if
a higher interest lead is proved by us or a lower one
is proved by the customer.
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
i don't know how to express the meanings, thank you !
27 Àprilis 2008 10:20