Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Eredeti szöveg - Brazíliai portugál - Mai dimenticata

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Nyelvröl forditàs: Brazíliai portugál

Oi tudo bem?
Olha:me desculpe por insistir. Não sei se você recebeu meu e-mail
Já te conheço há algum tempo, e nesse tempo tenho admirado muito seu jeito de ser, nunca me manisfetei porque fico com um pouco de receio, estou te mandando uma foto minha, espero que goste!
E por favor mantenha descrição, e saiba que te acho especial desde o primeiro dia em que te vi!
Mesmoque vc não goste de mim, fique sabendo que eu sempre vou gostar de você afinal não tenho culpa de me sentir assim!
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
Persona lontana, persa di vista, legame affettivo
"Oi tudo bem? me sentir assim!" is actually a text the link of which is not to be used, as it is a virus, according to this site :

It is up to you and out of our reponsability if you ever answer such a message, or open it. We just are a community of translators and translate texts from and into many languages.
Edited by Francky5591 - 7 Június 2008 09:18

Legutolsó üzenet


6 Június 2008 16:04

Hozzászólások száma: 1285
Do you think that is the case here?

problem or not


6 Június 2008 16:48

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
What kind of problem would it be, madeleine, I must say I don't understand, could you develop a bit? Thanks a lot!

6 Június 2008 16:52

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
What Madeleine is talking about is that this message seems to be a way to send a virus. The link she posted is a warning about the exact text. I think we should remove the request and maybe warn jp about the requester.

CC: MÃ¥ddie Francky5591

6 Június 2008 16:58

Hozzászólások száma: 1285

From what I've seen on that link, this exact message used to be send on the internet, and it contained a virus.


maybe I am too suspicious

6 Június 2008 17:03

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
Requester probably received this text and just wants to know what it means. She should be warned (if she wasn't already by Madeleine's post above)about possible danger with virus.

But about us cucumers, translating this text from Portuguese into Italian won't harm anybody here.
Let's say it would be fair if some of us (mastering Italian if possible) added this information in the comments area from the translation. What do you think?

6 Június 2008 17:33

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
Just hava look at the requester's profile and tell me if it's not at least "weird". It seems to me that it's totally fake!
The languages she(?) claims to master are incoherent.

6 Június 2008 17:34

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
Guys, why don't you check the "Notify me when a replay is posted" button?

I had to send a second message!

CC: MÃ¥ddie Francky5591

6 Június 2008 18:05

Hozzászólások száma: 1285

I don't know what to say; I hope you will find a good way to handle this.
I've just wanted to let you know that it could be a problem with this text.


Sorry, Lillian...

6 Június 2008 18:15

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
Sorry Lilian, I should have check this box, I will next time.

About the requester, I can see she can read Italian, Spanish and English, what isn't logical is set in her "préférences", but you know many newbies aren't that comfortable with their profile settings, this may explain that...

But where could be the danger for us with this text? She asked for a translation, someone will translate it, and after...gone with the wind! Requester will have her translation and no one will care anymore about this text.

Where could be the danger for us? I don't understand, maybe one could explain it to me, as I got the feeling that I missed something now...

6 Június 2008 18:38

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
Well, Francky, you must know better. We have probably translated texts before which may later have been used inappropriately (what a word!) . That's not our problem anyway, I guess...

6 Június 2008 19:12

Hozzászólások száma: 1285

For Cucumis, that's not a problem.
For somebody who will receive that message, with a "little" gift, that's another story.

But after the translation is done, it will be like Francky said "Gone with the wind"...

Have a nice evening!

6 Június 2008 22:37

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
I think requester may have received this message and wanted to know its meaning, and I proposed to leave some comments in Italian under the translation, with the link madeleine78 provided.

Unfortunately my Italian is very bad, so does any of you two girls want to do it?

CC: MÃ¥ddie lilian canale

6 Június 2008 22:47

Hozzászólások száma: 1285

Well, I understand Italian,but for the moment, it's a little intimidating to write in Italian.

I put my trust in Lillian.


6 Június 2008 22:48

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
...and you could say something like that in Italian :

"Oi tudo bem? me sentir assim!" is actually a text the link of which is not to be used, as it is a virus, according to this site :
It is up to you and out of our reponsability if you ever answer such a message, or open it. We just are a community of translators and translate texts from and into many languages .

6 Június 2008 23:04

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
Guys, if we can trust her profile, she says she can read English, so I think if she read all those explanations we were giving the warning is already there. Let's release the translation to be done and hope she declared exactly the languages she understands in her profile.

CC: MÃ¥ddie

6 Június 2008 23:09

Hozzászólások száma: 1285

It's fine with me, Lilian!


7 Június 2008 10:15

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
Thanks girls!

7 Június 2008 11:48

Hozzászólások száma: 1285