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12Fordítás - Török-Olasz - tek gerçek sen misin söyle..

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : TörökOlasz

Témakör Költészet

tek gerçek sen misin söyle..
Ajànlo znpsbz
Nyelvröl forditàs: Török

tek gerçek sen misin söyle..tek aşk tek sevgi..bazen sevilmek mi böyle..bazende sevmek işte...kalp yarını görür..nerde olursam olayım hep senindir gönül....belki uzak belki yakın bu aşk senindir artık.son ana kadar ki..sevgidir gerçek aşkın..

Dimmi se sei tu l’unica ...

Forditva selmin àltal
Forditando nyelve: Olasz

Dimmi se sei tu l’unica verità...
L’unico amore, l’unico affetto...
È così certe volte essere amati?
Ed è così certe volte anche amare, come vedi...
Il cuore sa vedere il domani...
Dovunque io sia, il mio cuore è sempre con te...
D'ora in avanti, o lontano o vicino, questo amore è per te.
Fino all'ultimo istante...
È l’affetto, il tuo amore vero...
Validated by alexfatt - 18 Október 2010 19:35

Legutolsó üzenet


17 Október 2010 21:27

Hozzászólások száma: 1538
May I ask you a bridge also here?
Some parts of the Italian translation are not clear enough to be corrected, by the way...

CC: 44hazal44

18 Október 2010 16:25

Hozzászólások száma: 1148
There are some expressions that sound weird in Turkish too...
Here is the bridge, if there are some phrases you don't understand, just tell me, I'll try to explain them.

"Tell me, are you the unique reality.. The unique love, the unique affection.. Is sometimes the fact of being loved like this ? And sometimes of loving, as you see.. The heart sees tomorrow.. Wherever I am, my ("the" in the text) heart is always with you... Maybe far, maybe near, from now on; this love is yours. Until the supreme moment that.. Your true love is affection.."

18 Október 2010 18:01

Hozzászólások száma: 1538
What does "the heart sees tomorrow" mean?

I'm too young and inexperienced for this kind of love phrase

Thank you so much, it's a pleasure to work with you!

18 Október 2010 18:06

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
"I'm too young and inexperienced for this kind of love phrase "

18 Október 2010 19:06

Hozzászólások száma: 1148
Don't worry, you are not the only one.

I think s/he wants to say that s/he can foresee the future thanks to his/her heart (his feelings).

Does it help ?

18 Október 2010 19:51

Hozzászólások száma: 1538
It does, Hazal.

Now I can make a few edits to make the translation sound more Italian.

I am sorry to put you and the other Turkish experts under stress, but a large number of traductions are from Turkish to Italian and poll helps me only little.

Thank you very much.

18 Október 2010 19:32

Hozzászólások száma: 1148
You don't put me under stress at all, it helps me too cause I'm learning Italian.

You're welcome, and don't hesitate to ask me again for bridges.

18 Október 2010 19:50

Hozzászólások száma: 1538