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26 October 2007 11:54  

Number of messages: 3706

It's spring now here in South Hemisphere. Temperatures bounce between 20°C and 25°C when it's rainy, but on sunny days it can reach more than 35°C here where I live .

Yesterday, however, it rained and temperature has fallen below 10°C, pretty cold for our standards, if you can figure it. Normally, I'm not that sensitive to cold, but as I take my bike to go to work and Uni things became a little hard to me.

Where I live never snow (as in 99% of Brazil), but in some years there's frost ["geada"] in July, when it's winter here.

26 October 2007 12:32  

Number of messages: 2102
We've got you, Brazilians, this summer. I talk about Romania. There was temperature record: 45C (in the shadow). I rememeber the thermometer of the car recording 48C and there was exactly in our wedding week

26 October 2007 12:24  

Number of messages: 8113
That sounds nice...spring
Ican imagine when you tell the temperatures sink that much, and below 10 IS cold when you biking.
I should know, I'm a 'biker' I guess your temperature was nearly the same yesterday as in Sweden today, +7 today.I did'nt know you guys
in Brazil could have frost...this is fun about this cucumis, you (or at least I) learn new things al the time. I has a stupid question, but do you have snow somewhere in Brazil in winter, I mean in the mountains or so?

26 October 2007 13:01  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
My city is pretty cold (frosty winter, melty summer), but 2 days ago it was really abnormal for middle spring: 6°C (well I remember 6°C on summer 2002)
Yeah, it snows here (my former avatar was a little house covered with snow) but it depends more on water in the air than temperature (as it always gets under zero in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul).
Soon I'll join you on this exchange and show a little of the misterious southern Brasil.

Let's take care of our planet.

26 October 2007 14:17  

Number of messages: 3706
As promised:

Iepurica & Bamsa's:
Iepurica & Bamsa

26 October 2007 14:49  

Number of messages: 8113
That sounds tooo warm lepurica,I'm glad we don't get that high temperatures least, we have not yet.

Yes you are right caspertavernello (uh, what a long name you got )We should look after our planet! I guess your country is a big one,
Nice you put some links, I will have a look. Thathaviera told me, there are big variables in temperature between north and south in your country(like in Sweden)
Here comes another question or maybe more a prejudice.. I heard that when it gets cold in Southern Hemisphere it REALLY does, because..your houses are NOT build to stand against the chill...(Our houses in sweden and I guess in other northern countries to is well isolated to stand the chill) Is it true that You dont have electric heater and stuff in your houses? or is it just a 'saying'?

26 October 2007 15:11  

Number of messages: 3706
At least where I live, Pia, heaters are unnecessary. But air conditioner (to fight excessive natural heat), on the other hand, are quite common. I used to hate air conditioning, but as a collateral effect of global heating, I've begun to like it.

In fact, our houses are built not to stand against cold, but to not get too warm on Summer days.

26 October 2007 15:35  

Number of messages: 8113
wow....Amazing wiev from lepurica's Faroese Island. You could feel dizzy...just looking

ok, thanks for telling goncin
(goncin=sounds like spaghetti...he,he)

26 October 2007 17:11  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
pias, you can call me Casper.

Well,I feel like Chilly Willy when it's cold here, but I like it.

26 October 2007 17:37  

Number of messages: 8113
Good Casper, it's easier...and there will be less misspellings from me
Chilly Willy...I had to google that and find
a cartoon, so now I know him to!

26 October 2007 17:59  

Number of messages: 2247
Now is afternoon and it's making "nice" (and hot) 29°C...

26 October 2007 18:33  

Number of messages: 8113
wow,wow,wow THAT
Now it is evening here and NOT 29+,
dark outside my window and...(wait, I will have a look at the termomether) and it is 6.1 +
But that is verry mild due to our season.

Have a nice day and enjoy the sunshine a little bit even from me. (did you get that??, the meaning?) We sometimes in sweden say so
Njut lite från mig med

26 October 2007 18:34  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
One more channel on Cucumis:

Now I know wich clothes I wear anywhere arround the world with Cucumis Weather Report.

26 October 2007 22:32  

Number of messages: 1014
Hmm, I've received like 13 cards!
(thanks to everyone!)
but I haven't been able to buy some yet,
in my town you don't got any places where they sell it,, (my town isn't that touristic)
and since I have been quite sick this week, I wasn't able to go to the city!
when I am better I am going to buy postal cards and send it to everyone!


27 October 2007 05:41  

Number of messages: 8113
That sounds nice Tristangun (not the above you write about being sick) but the thing you say about your town , not a touristic one. I can't say my hometown is a big tourism-magnet either, but in summer we have a lot of them here anyway -the tourists. I like is not that,
but when the season is over (I'm kind of working in that field) the town seem to be so calm and quiet again,,,you can relax

And since I am here again, om this forum, I has another question to you guys and girls,
living in the southern.. goncin was talking about you using air conditioner...and that make me wondering if it is the same for you as for me (and I guess other northern people)
When I travel abroad to warm countries...and there is a Ac in the buildings I ALWAYS seem to get the cold, get sick..
What I am try to ask you are: Does ac have the same effect on you...or are you people more
adapted to this 'thing'...walking between warmth outside and chilled houses?
(stupid question this, I know, but I like to know anyway)

27 October 2007 06:00  

Number of messages: 878
You shouldn't keep your AC on during the nights, that helps a lot!

27 October 2007 06:34  

Number of messages: 8113
Yes, you are verry right...that is a good idea but I STILL wonder if thoose people get more used to it than we are.

27 October 2007 06:20  

Number of messages: 878
Hey Francky!

I've got a very very special card for you, since you're always talking about stamps :P. I will post the last cards coming week! (And a new one for Francky that is! )

27 October 2007 06:31  

Number of messages: 12396
WOW! thanks a lot Chantal! (I feel like a spoilt kid!)

27 October 2007 11:13  

Number of messages: 1014
Well, Pias,, my town is how you call it?
No place for tourism? and I don't think the inhabitants will like to many tourists iether,, because I live in a town with quite some big houses, and our town is quite known for the peace and rest! If there would be too many tourists, it would not be good for the 'peace' of my town ^^
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