How do I sound to you? For FunLearn
Results 41 - 60 of about 83 | | | 17 August 2007 15:50 | | really! Arabic and hebrew are based on that too, suppressing non-tonic vowels, thats why the same word when written in arabic or hebrew look much smaller, add to this that we join letters together in arabic that saves a lot of ink
and tantine, i thought ur name has a silent "e" at the end, Tantin more like it, but the arabic script reads like Tantini | | 17 August 2007 16:37 | | I don't think brasilian portuguese looks more 'latin'. I think is a very 'tough' accent at all, with a lot of 'tch' an french 'r' sounds.
I'll look for some videos of differnt brasilian accents. | | 19 August 2007 08:42 |  CisaNumber of messages: 765 | Yes, it is. But compared to Continental Portuguese, it sounds not so Slavic to me.  | | 19 August 2007 11:55 | | Hehe Elmota
That way my nick looks more like corsican "Tantini"
So I'll recapitulate, my french nick becomes corsican when its written in arabic script!! | | 19 August 2007 16:17 | |  yeah if you want it that way, or you can write it like this: تانتين
my english nick becomes terrible when written in Arabic script: elmota = الموتى which means THE DEAD (people)! ggrrrr, i had to explain to lots of people that THAT was not what i meant | | 23 August 2007 13:46 | | I don't know Arabic, but Elmota sounds like emotion and love. But it looks like El Mota, is it Spanish?
My nick pluiepoco is of a long history, in 2003 or 2004, I made this name when I studied on some Italian dictionary. It is a mixed word, so there will be no other people who can use it. It is rain + little, meaning of my Chinese name.
And pluiepoco is famous? Joking: if any one would like to be my wife, I will bestow a new nick for her. Guess what?
Am I as lousy as Chantal said? | | 23 August 2007 14:07 | | No doubt that among at least 650 million Chinese women, and 3 billion and half world wide women, the handsome guy you are will find happiness one day, as you're still young pluiepoco, don't worry! | | 23 August 2007 16:29 |  CisaNumber of messages: 765 | Pluiepoco, do you write your name like this, then? å¾®å°é›¨  Or just å°é›¨ ?
And I can only agree with Francky!  | | 24 August 2007 08:44 | | Cisa, the second one is probably correct, I used to write my name like that for quite a long time as å°ç¾½, because when I began to know the world, my parents taught me one of the first characters, ä¹ in å¦ä¹ (study), and ç¾½ is double ä¹ horizontally, so I found it easy to write my name like this, and this is my name in primary school, and part of junior high school, but actually, some of my teachers would like to write my name as å°é›¨, and when I studied in primary school, I already knew how to write 雨, so in my textbooks and workbooks, I also wrote å°é›¨, that is to say, ç¾½(feather) is name used by the toddler me, and 雨 is name used by the pupil me.
I knew nothing about family tree before I learned it in high school, and I became to know that all my cousins have a middle name 晓 (also Xiao), that must be why father name me Xiao Yu, and my two sisters are Xiao Man and Xiao Yan, my cousins are Xiao Kang, Xiao Dong, Xiao Hong, but there are also excemptions, you know, there is always someone who is different. In fact, 晓 is not my generation indicator, but 登(climb), that is different from my father's generation, because they must be middle-named in their generation mark 振Zhen(revive), like my father Zhen Dang, my uncles, Zhen Xin, Zhen Ping, Zhen Cai, etc. And my grandfather is middlenamed å‘Fa (start) or 法Fa(method), I don't know, because I have never seen my grandfather, he died early. I even forget his full name, even though my grandmother told me several times to remember it, I just don't remember, because he is not in my life at all.
In high school to university, the enrollment system is strict, so I must be very careful of my name registration, and then I found my name is registered as 晓雨, the name granted by my father. but before that time, I never knew.
It is like a girl's name, I somewhat hate it.
| | 24 August 2007 02:16 |  guilonNumber of messages: 1549 | Elmota means nothing at all in Spanish, the only Mota I know in Spain is an in-law of mine who came from Syria.
By the way, there are lots of things I could tell about the way you guys sound to me, but there's a language I find especially interesting, and it's Finnish, it sounds like:
At first, I thought it was some kind of Alien language, but then I realized it was nothing but Elves' language, "aaaoooosoooosseeeeeimeeeuhoooo". So so beautiful! Really.
I think the more a language uses vowels the more beautiful it is, and perhaps that's why Italian sounds so hypnotic to me too. | | 24 August 2007 08:24 | | Pluiepoco, petitepluie, smallrain. Maybe you are "Rainman" heehee
That was really wonderful of you to explain how chinese names "work". I like the fact that all in one generation have the same middle name, it would make it easier here in Corsica, where the family ties are very complicated and you never know who is cousin or uncle because it gets very mixed up.
I don't think it looks like a girls name, but it does contain some "softness" which surely shows your gentler side.
Depending on how you transliterate "pluiepoco" into English, it can become "drizzle" (depressing - much more feminin), shower (bright and full of promises - neuter) "spitting" (rather badly behaved - masculin)....
| | 24 August 2007 10:50 | | And some guys shorten my pluiepoco as pluipoco, they are mostly Franchies, because they don't like to write too many vowels in a cluster.
The_FD (The Flying Dancer from berberber) called me Rainy, he gave me this name adding a -ny the diminitive in a similiar way as -nha in Asminha or Meninha.
Rainman, yes, it is great, and when I still named myself as little rain in University, many friends also call me drizzel, gentlerain, little rain, and rainman, I liked this name deeply because I had watched the film and I thought I would be the same stupid brother.
| | 24 August 2007 09:00 | | Hi Piogerella (petite pluie)
He wasn't stupid at all, Little Rain, he was just "different".  He suffered from autism, and was an absolute wizard with numbers.
One of my sisters' three boys all suffer from this "difference", but they are not too good at mathematics yet!
| | 24 August 2007 09:02 | | Pluiepoco, your real name is poetic. But shouldn't your nick be pluiecapisca instead? And then your future wife's nick can be Pluie. Won't that be romantic? | | 24 August 2007 09:17 | | Tantine, your complimenting words open my mouth wider, and I would give more information about my name and the genre.
My family name is of course, Liu 刘(劉), it is a very important and noble family. Liu built an empire Han Dynasty which became the symbol of China and Chinese people, you know, the 90% majority of Chinese claim themselves to be of Han nationality. Chinese language is called Han language, and Chinese characters are called Han characters. Liu population will count more than 0.1 billion only in Mainland China, let along worldwide.
My middle name is 晓, which means daybreak or knowledge. My cousins also have this middle name, but it is not my generation mark.
My generation mark is ç™», which means climb or throne, you know that every family has its list of middle names to give to their descendents, maybe some tens of middle names for one family, so this family can last for thousands of years, one generation one mark, and when the marks are used up, then reuse from the beginning, that is recycle.
Since my generation mark is ç™» (Deng), some villagers also called me Deng Yu, but it is rare and not registered. that is, generation mark is not necessarily middle name, but generation mark is traditionally used as middle name.
The changement is gradual in such a way:
generation indicator/mark to be used as middle name--->
not used as middle name, but having other middle name signs which are generally applied---->
get rid of generation mark or common middle name.
You can see I am on the second stage. the changement is due to increasing population and division of very very big family and migrations. | | 24 August 2007 10:02 | | Hi Samantha, you are playing tricks, but I won't eat the bait, I won't tell you my spare name for wife. | | 24 August 2007 09:42 | |  Bait? What bait??  | | 24 August 2007 09:54 | | "Bait" is, for instance, if you go fishing, the small fish or worm you're gonna attach to the fish-hook which is at tip of the wire from your fishing-rod, and some fish is going to bite (or not) and swallow this bait. Another word for bait is "lure". Baits and lures are used for fishing and hunting. | | 24 August 2007 09:59 | | I never missed the "e" from "pluiepoco", pluiepoco, and especially because I'm a Frenchie, and because I know how to write "pluie"
You should visit me in Normandy if you like rain, man! | | 24 August 2007 10:28 | | Hi Francky, I think we will just stick with "bait". "Lure" is just too...  . Makes me think of "allure"...  . I can't imagine myself "luring" anyone   .
Poor baits. It sounds rather painful to be a bait...you know, having a hook piercing through the body...Thankfully we can use plastic baits nowadays.  |
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