Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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받은 편지함 - Wille

약 46개 결과들 중 41 - 46
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2009년 6월 20일 21:08  

게시물 갯수: 11
Hi William, nice to meet you . Can you understand Italian?

2009년 6월 22일 15:04  

게시물 갯수: 11
Ok, it's alright . I add you on MSN .

2009년 8월 31일 20:53  

게시물 갯수: 464
Hello William!
Thanks for sending a message. It's fun to travel indeed, it's a shame I haven't been to Sweden (well, Scandinavia in general) yet. My brother's been to Öland though, and my nephew's in Umea at the moment for Erasmus, so I'm very keen to go there once myself.

You seem to know quite a lot languages! When it comes to my languages I'm fluent in Dutch, English and French (Belgium's main ones). I also had a bit of German a few years ago in school, but I forgot like everything, so I'm planning and taking up German again at university this year. I also know Spanish - but not very super since I barely have to use it, the reason I'd like to go on Erasmus to a hispanophonic country in a few years. You'll agree with me that Portuguese looks a lot like Spanish, so I can understand a bit of Portuguese too. In secondary school I studied Greek and Latin, and I once took a tiny Esperanto course. Yes, I LOVE languages too

Make sure to take a look at the forums, and put your name on the address list, so you can receive Christmas cards from all over the world in a few months

Take care

2010년 1월 30일 02:28  

게시물 갯수: 2
okk weird du ... nån fel inställning perhaps?
förresten, kul o träffas på återträff mkt trevligt =)

2010년 3월 24일 15:14  

게시물 갯수: 7
Dansurile nu sint din Cristurul Secuiesc, ci de la "Sóvidék" (approx. Ocna de sus, o parte a teritoriul judetului Harghita), si din "Udvarhelyszek" (= scaunul Odorhei, cel mai aproape ar fi Odorheiu Secuiesc). Pentru cei la care le plac dansurile populare poate sa fie important din care regiune vin.

In al doilea rind, tinerii sint nu numai locali din Cristurul Secuiesc ci s-au si mutat acolo dintr-o alta parte; ei isi vor prezenta activitatea cu care ei insusi fac parte din viata satului.

Tünde Ujvari

2011년 11월 24일 23:28  

게시물 갯수: 279
Hi William,

A bit difficult to do over the internet and I'm by no means an expert, but I'll give you a quick note..
Passe compose in French usually uses an auxiliary verb of avoir (but a few verbs use etre as the auxiliary) and the past participle of the verb. This tense differs from English in that it often marks a completed action in the past during at the time the action occurs (a more precise moment), while imparfait describes an ongoing action or incomplete action.

Hope this helps. :-)
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