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صندوق - iamfromaustria90 درحدود 90 - 81 نتایج | | | 24 دسامبر 2008 19:30 | | Oh, no! I'd be a cheater if I added German to my profile. Albeit I know some features of German grammar, my vocabulary skills are very, very incipient, I can barely understand 20% of a short text in German...
Yep, you're right, my mother-in-law is like another mother for me... But maybe I'm not a soooo exemplary son-in-law though.  | | 5 مارس 2009 23:12 | | Thanks a lot Heidrun. Didn't know.Learn a much here every day. | | 17 مارس 2009 15:47 | | Hello how are you  ?? It was a long time ago we had a talk! hugs Wille  | | 20 ژوئن 2009 20:40 | | Hello  ! It was a very very long time ago we spoke to each other:P! How are you  ????? hugs Wille
| | 11 آگوست 2009 00:15 | | Here is the most difficult on.
http://www.cucumis.org/oversaettelse_24_t/oversaettelsen_v_229030.html | | 11 آگوست 2009 00:21 | | Last one.
Thanks so much Heidrun. | | 8 دسامبر 2009 21:15 | | Hi iamfromaustria,
Could you tell me please if the German text convey this bridge? :
Hallo ihr Lieben. Wie geht es euch?
Wäre es möglich, dass ihr mir eure Adresse per SMS schickt? Das wäre ganz lieb.
Viele liebe Grüße, Canan.
Hello, dear one. How are you doing? Would it be
possible to send you me your adress by SMS. It would be very nice.
Many sweet greetings, Canan.
| | 17 جولای 2010 20:38 | | HELLO MY FRIEND  ! It was a long time ago we spoke to each other....how are you nowadays  ?? I have to say something very fun to you now; WE WILL GO TO AUSTRIA IN THE MIDDLE OF MARCH AGAIN!
Hugs Wille!  | | 18 جولای 2010 11:20 | | | | 19 اکتبر 2011 16:44 | | Grüß dich, lange nicht gesehen hier!!! Wie geht es dir und wie läuft dein Studium?? |
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