| |
| 6 دسامبر 2006 08:00 |
| OK, I've recieved your letter.
So, the work begins  |
| 21 دسامبر 2006 07:30 |
| Vow, thanks, it's very nice from you |
| 1 فوریه 2007 07:58 |
| Regarding your comment to this translation: http://www.cucumis.org/traducerea_11_t/view-the-translation_v_48167.html#last, let me answer to you:
Because (now I quote) "As an auxiliary, shall indicates a duty or necessity whose obligation is derived from the person speaking; as, you shall go; he shall go; that is, I order or promise your going. It thus ordinarily expresses, in the second and third persons, a command, a threat, or a promise. If the auxillary be emphasized, the command is made more imperative, the promise or that more positive and sure. Itis also employed in the language of prophecy; as, ``the day shall come when . . ., '' since a promise or threatand an authoritative prophecy nearly coincide in significance. In shall with the first person, the necessity of the action is sometimes implied as residing elsewhere than in the speaker; as, I shall suffer; we shall see; and there is always a less distinct and positive assertion of his volition than is indicated by will. ``I shall go'' implies nearly a simple futurity; more exactly, a foretelling or an expectation of my going, in which, naturally enough, a certain degree of plan or intention may be included; emphasize the shall, and the event is described as certain to occur, and the pression
approximates in meaning to our emphatic ``I will go.'' In a question, the relation of speaker and source of obligation is of course transferred to the person addressed; as, ``Shall you go?'' (answer, ``I shall go''); ``Shall he go?'' i. e., ``Do you require or promise his going?'' (answer, ``He shall go''.) The same relation is transferred to either second or third person in such phrases as ``You say, or think, you shall go;'' ``He says, or thinks, he shall go.'' After a conditional conjunction (as if, whether) shall is used in all persons to express futurity simply; as, if I, you, or he shall say they are
right. Should is everywhere used in the same connection and the same senses as shall, as its imperfect. It also expresses duty or moral obligation; as, he should do it whether he will or not. In the early English, and hence in our English Bible, shall is the auxiliary mainly used, in all the persons, to express simple futurity. (Cf. Will, v. t.) Shall may be used elliptically; thus, with an adverb or other word expressive of motion go may be omitted. ``He to England shall along with you.'' --Shak." This according to the rules in English language."
You can very well check here:
http://dict.die.net/shall/, but basiclly "they will" express a possibility, "they shall" means an obligativity or a command. |
| 1 فوریه 2007 09:15 |
| Why we use auxiliary at all? If we translate from Russian there is no any auxiliary verb - just future tense. May be, if we translated strictly from Spainish to English it would be more clear... My knowledge of Spainish very poor, so I can't do any conclusions. Eventually, I recognize that "shall" canbe used in the case, but may we use also "will" here? |
| 5 فوریه 2007 08:43 |
| Please, Ramarren, can you have a look at this text? It doesn't look Russian.
http://www.cucumis.org/traduzione_14_t/visualizzare-traduzione_v_46846.html |
| 23 آوریل 2007 04:12 |
| Into what language I must translate that? |
| 10 می 2007 14:23 |
| Hi, there has been an article about cucumis in an ukrainian website ( http://www.dpk.com.ua/internet/4150.html ). Do you know this website ? |
| 11 می 2007 04:33 |
| Buenas dias!
It's the website of popular computer magazine. I do not visit their site at all, but read the magazine sometimes, it is called "Home PC".
How did you learn about the article? Google Alerts or something&
| 11 می 2007 04:35 |
| By the way, I learnt about Cucumis from another magazine, which is called "Computer Survey", an article of the kind was printed there last November or December. |
| 11 می 2007 07:25 |
| In fact I can see from which url the members of cucumis are coming. And I saw 3 ukrainain members comming from this website.
You learnt about cucumis in a magazine ? Do you still have it ? I would be interested in a digitalpicture of the article  . |
| 11 می 2007 07:40 |
| Did those visitors register in Cucumis? They may wanted "translations for gratis", as it is written in that site =)))
Well, I do not have that magazine, but I know where to find it, it must be still alive =) But this weekend I go to vacations for several weeks, so I'll be absent for some time and I probably shall not have an access to Internet. But when I back (in June) I shall try to find that magazine and I'll send the picture to you by e-mail in case of success. |
| 4 جولای 2007 07:15 |
| Hello!
Sounds nice to me  , I know nothing about Russian or Ukrainian at all, but it would be cool to learn something about it! |
| 4 جولای 2007 10:28 |
| Hi,
I read your post on martijn's thread and I would like to learn Russian !! =O
I could teach you french/english or german instead =)
nathan |
| 4 جولای 2007 13:44 |
| what is an ICQ? =)
and well, I can speak german, but it's not like my best language, so I cannot teach you anything,,
although my french and dutch are quite perfect ^^
nathan |
| 5 جولای 2007 10:35 |
| ahh, well yes
I got mesenger =D
and lol, never heard of him,, well he's probably from "holland" =D
I am from Belgium, I speak flamish stead of dutch, it's the same,, but here we got like alot of dialects ^^
If I go to another city and talk the way I talk at home, no one will understand me =D
dutch has alot of variaties.. =)
I'll teach you dutch as we get at school
and to be honest (don't like german iether)
we are just allowed to study because like 5% of belgian population is german!
that sucks =(
and you don't want to study french?
aww comon! that's my favourit language! =D
it's a beautiful language, and well.. much more important than dutch!
nathan |
| 19 جولای 2007 12:39 |
| heya!
how's you?
I've send you a mail, but you didn't answer it!
or didn't you get it?
Russian alphabet is crazy!
I looked it up! |
| 20 جولای 2007 05:57 |
| I did now
and this is my e-mail address!
we call it a, 'if free translated' an 'apenstaartje' or 'little monkeytail' ^^
ciao! |
| 3 سپتامبر 2007 11:51 |
| Thanks ramarren!i'm very pleased, can you give me the mean of the second phrase??
| 4 سپتامبر 2007 10:09 |
| thank you any way!i found the nacionality of that stamp,is from Serbia. your help was very usefull. bye and thanks one more time |
| 9 ژانویه 2008 12:56 |
| ЗдравÑтвуйте,
вы не знаете кто из руÑÑких отвечает за Ñтот Ñайт? |