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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - Come See Your Life In My Crystal Glass

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For denne oversættelse bedes om "kun betydning".
Come See Your Life In My Crystal Glass
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af railson santos
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

Come See Your Life In My Crystal Glass
Twenty Five Cents is All You Pay Let Me Look Into Your Past
Here's What You Had For Lunch Today
Tuna Salad And apple Juice, Collard
Greens And Stewed Tomatoes, Chocolate Milk And Lemon Mousse You Admit I’ve Told it All ?
Will I Know it, I Confess Not Just by Looking at Your Dress
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
engles dos EUA
Senest redigeret af goncin - 19 December 2007 15:34

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19 December 2007 15:03

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
O texto aparece como português (origem) e inglês (destino), mas deve ser o oposto.

Mesmo assim ( o texto em inglês) deveria ser editado.

19 December 2007 15:10

Antal indlæg: 3706
Dankon, lilian!


Could any of you please fix the typos of the source text? Thanks!

CC: dramati kafetzou Tantine

19 December 2007 15:20

Antal indlæg: 972
Come See Your Life In My Crystal Glass
Twenty Five Cents is All You Pay Let Me Look Into Your Past
Here s What You Had For Lunch Today
Tuna Salad d And apple Juice ,Collard
Greens And Stewed Tomatoes ,Chocolate Milk And Lemon Mousse You Admit I’ve Told it All ?
Will I Know it, I Confess Not Just by Looking at Your Dress


19 December 2007 15:34

Antal indlæg: 3706
Thanks, David!

20 December 2007 00:28

railson santos
Antal indlæg: 3
Come See Your Life In My Crystal Glass
Twenty Five Cents is All You Pay Let Me Look Into Your Past
Here s What You Had For Lunch Today
Tuna Salad d And apple Juice ,Collard
Greens And Stewed Tomatoes ,Chocolate Milk And Lemon Mousse You Admit I’ve Told it All ?
Will I Know it, I Confess Not Just by Looking at Your Dress

20 December 2007 00:33

railson santos
Antal indlæg: 3
Come See Your Life In My Crystal Glass
Twenty Five Cents is All You Pay Let Me Look Into Your Past
Here s What You Had For Lunch Today
Tuna Salad d And apple Juice ,Collard
Greens And Stewed Tomatoes ,Chocolate Milk And Lemon Mousse You Admit I’ve Told it All ?
Will I Know it, I Confess Not Just by Looking at Your Dress

20 December 2007 05:41

Antal indlæg: 7963
P.S. "Collard greens" goes together.

20 December 2007 08:46

Antal indlæg: 3706
Thanks, Kafetzou. On my translation into Portuguese, I'd already put a footnote to state that "collard greens" gives simply "couve" translated.

21 December 2007 00:01

railson santos
Antal indlæg: 3
Come See Your Life In My Crystal Glass
Twenty Five Cents is All You Pay Let Me Look Into Your Past
Here s What You Had For Lunch Today
Tuna Salad d And apple Juice ,Collard
Greens And Stewed Tomatoes ,Chocolate Milk And Lemon Mousse You Admit I’ve Told it All ?
Will I Know it, I Confess Not Just by Looking at Your Dress

21 December 2007 05:59

Antal indlæg: 972

Collard greens are indeed two words. Look what I found on their history:
Collard greens are vegetables that are members of the cabbage family, but are also close relatives to kale. Although they are available year-round they are at their best from January through April.

Collard greens date back to prehistoric times, and are one of the oldest members of the cabbage family. The ancient Greeks grew kale and collards, although they made no distinction between them. Well before the Christian era, the Romans grew several kinds including those with large leaves and stalks and a mild flavor; broad-leaved forms like collards; and others with curled leaves. The Romans may have taken the coles to Britain and France or the Celts may have introduced them to these countries. They reached into the British Isles in the 4th century B.C.

21 December 2007 09:07

Antal indlæg: 3706
Thanks David for that culture class!