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Oprindelig tekst - Latin - Animus audax,subdolus,varius,cuius rei lubet...

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: LatinRumænsk

Animus audax,subdolus,varius,cuius rei lubet...
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af alexxutza
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Latin

Animus audax,subdolus,varius,cuius rei lubet simulator ac dissimulator; alieni appetens,sui profusus,ardens in cupiditatibus;satis eloquentiae,sapientiae parum.Vastus animus immoderata,incredibilia,nimis alta semper cupiebat.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
<Admin's remark>
This request is not acceptable according to rule 3.
Senest redigeret af Bamsa - 27 Maj 2011 23:39

Sidste indlæg


2 Juni 2008 13:56

Antal indlæg: 1285

I think this is a double request.
Take a look here. It's quite similar.

And maybe it is the same user.

2 Juni 2008 16:11

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
Thanks Madeleine, but they are different requests from different users.

Keep your vigilance.

CC: MÃ¥ddie

2 Juni 2008 16:32

Antal indlæg: 1285

Hi Lillian,
if so, then I'm pretty sure it's homework, which is not good.

Perhaps they need it for some kind of a test or something.

I wonder why I didn't see this,it was right in front of my eyes, I feel soooo stupid right now


25 Maj 2011 16:17

Antal indlæg: 1538
Quote from "De Catilinae Coniuratione" by Roman historian Sallustius.

As MÃ¥ddie, I'm quite sure it is a homework.

25 Maj 2011 16:58

Antal indlæg: 8114
I trust you Alex, but let's ask our Latin experts too.

CC: Efylove Aneta B.

26 Maj 2011 18:03

Antal indlæg: 1015
Yeah, it's a quote from Sallustius. I've just translated it with my pupils, so I'm quite sure it is a homework, too.

26 Maj 2011 20:46

Antal indlæg: 8114
Thanks Efylove

(Looks like someone has already removed the requests)