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Oversættelse - Polsk-Engelsk - Witam, nazywam sie XY i chcialabym dowiedziec...

Aktuel statusOversættelse
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: PolskEngelsk

Kategori Samfund / Mennesker / Politik

Witam, nazywam sie XY i chcialabym dowiedziec...
Tilmeldt af margaritenka
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Polsk

nazywam sie XY i dostalam od Pani list, w ktorym jest napisane, że do 17. listopada musze cos odesłac do Danii. W waszym kraju pracowalam w 2007 roku, a z podatku rozliczylam sie u siebie, w Polsce, wedlug polskiego prawa. Nie rozumiem po dunsku i w zwiazku z tym bardzo Pania prosze o pomoc i udzielenie informacji chociazby w jezyku angielskim. co powinnam teraz zrobic? Z gory dziekuje za odpowiedz. Pozdrawiam XY

Dear Sir or Madame

Oversat af Mujermisteriosa
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

My name is XY and I received your letter informing me that until the 17th of November I have to send something back to Denmark. I was working in your country in 2007 and I have presented my tax return form in my country, Poland, in conformity with Polish law. I do not command the Danish language and therefore I am asking you for help and I request some information to be in English. What shall I do now? Thank you in advance for the answer.
Yours faithfully,
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 15 December 2008 20:17

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13 December 2008 20:53

Antal indlæg: 1227
Thank you in advance for the answer

14 December 2008 23:00

Halyna Karlsson
Antal indlæg: 26
Witam is missing

14 December 2008 23:47

Antal indlæg: 3
What should I do now?

14 December 2008 23:53

Antal indlæg: 15
Witam can be translated simply as "Hello", besides I have used the words "Dear Sir or Madame" which is a typical expression used in letters when you do not know the exact addressee and it can also serve as a greeting...

14 December 2008 23:57

Antal indlæg: 15
And about "Thank you in advance for the answer", I agree there is a mistake and it should be "Thank you in advance for your answer" or "Thank you in advance for an answer"

15 December 2008 00:04

Antal indlæg: 15
And as a response to Tarantul 7's suggestion the phrase "What shall I do now?" is a spoken phrase so I agree that your translation is better.