Na pitanje Å¡ta mu je rekla supruga Emilija posle Äitave priÄe, napadaÄ FenerbahÄea kaže: - Zajedno smo videli tu izmiÅ¡ljotinu i slatko se nasmejali. NaÅ¡ brak je stabilan i zasnovan na uzajamnom poverenju, tako da ovakve priÄe ne mogu da nam naude.
Answering what his wife Emilia's comment to the whole story was, Fenerbahce's striker says: We saw that made up story together and had a good laugh. Our marriage is stable and based on mutual trust, so these stories cannot hurt us.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 20 Februar 2009 19:11