Oi Lilian (ou outros

Inclui em baixo a ponte que fiz, com um pouquinho de ajuda da Aneta. No texto original, a última frase está em modo ativo; achei que ficou melhor em modo passivo em português; vê se concorda!
The frog and the ox / bull
The weak one who wants to imitate the powerful one, dies / perishes
Once upon a time a frog saw a bull in a meadow
and, touched by so great envy,
She inflated her wrinkly skin; then she asked
her children whether she is bigger/larger than the bull is.
They said no. Then the frog expanded / swelled her skin,
Trying even harder, and in a similar way asked,
Who was bigger. They said “the bullâ€.
Extremely incensed / indignant, she then wanted
To stretch herself more, and sent her burst body flying (lit. (she) threw (out) her torn /burst body)