Before edit: konnichiwa, Genji desu yo Aline-chan. Rengi ga osokumatte gomen ne. Shigotto isogashikutte motto hayaku na henji dekinajatta. Nihon go joozu ne. Kisu
<English bridge by IanMegill2> Hello Aline, it's Genji. Sorry for my late reply. I was busy at work, and couldn't reply sooner. Your Japanese is great! Kiss
Publikuar per heren e fundit nga Bamsa - 7 Janar 2012 02:21
Well, here's what it should be in romanized Japanese:
Konnichi wa, Genji desu yo, Aline-chan. Henji ga osoku natte gomen ne. Shigoto ga isogashikute, motto hayaku henji dekinakatta. Nihongo jozu ne. Kisu
Which means:
Hello Aline, it's Genji. Sorry for my late reply. I was busy at work, and couldn't reply sooner. Your Japanese is great! (lit. You're good at Japanese, aren't you? ) Kiss.